Publications - EU and Antitrust Law
Control of foreign investments in Spain: the transitional regime for investments made by EU and EFTA residents is extended until December 31, 2026
Foreign investments in Spain carried out by residents of the European Union and the Spanish Free Trade Association will continue to be subject to the prior authorization regime established in Article 7 bis of Law 19/2003.
Peru: Indecopi cleared 45 filings and rejected 1 in the first three years of its Antitrust Merger Control Regime
Garrigues and the Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Peru (COCEP) have published a new report analyzing the first three years of the merger control regime for business transactions in Peru.
The CJEU rejects the parent company's right to claim damages suffered by its subsidiaries in other countries before the courts of its registered office
A judgment of the CJEU concludes that, in claims for damages caused by infringement of competition law, it is not possible to rely on the principle of economic unity to interpret the forum of the "place where the harmful event occurred" as being the…
Truck cartel: the Supreme Court assesses (and rejects) an expert report submitted in hundreds of legal proceedings that has led to contradictory rulings by different courts
In a new batch of judgments, the High Court confirms its doctrine in relation to the judicial estimation of the damage in this type of claims, extending it now to a series of cases which were accompanied by a specific expert report which, although…
2024: main new legislation needing to be considered by companies in Spain
Professionals in the various practice areas at Garrigues take a look, from all angles of business law, at the main new legislation that companies will face in the coming year.
Spanish Courts grant precautionary measures against FIFA and the Royal Spanish Football Federation regarding fee caps imposed on football agents
In a judicial proceeding under the legal direction of Garrigues, the Commercial Court No. 3 of Madrid has issued an interim injunction ordering FIFA to refrain from applying the cap on football agents’ fees introduced by a recent FIFA Regulation and…
Peru: Indecopi approved 27 mergers in an average of 44 business days in the first two years of its merger control regime
A study by Garrigues and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Peru reports an update of the merger control regime, looking at legal and economic approaches to the law
Antitrust damages actions in Latin America: on the path to the European model?
We look at the progress made in relation to damages actions for infringements of competition law in Colombia, Peru, Mexico and Chile.
The EU Regulation on foreign subsidies that distort the internal market enters into application and its Implementing Regulation is adopted
The new regulation clarifies the rules, notification obligations and procedures related to the application of the new regulation on financial contributions granted by third states to companies operating in the EU.
Spain: The Supreme Court rules on the first appeals on the follow-on actions arising from the truck cartel
In the fifteen rulings, the High Court clarifies some questions about the case, although we will have to be attentive to its position in relation to the following pending appeals.
Commission's decision on tax lease partially annulled
On February 2, 2023 the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) partially annulled Commission Decision of 17 July 2013 which declared that the Spanish tax lease system was a state aid scheme and ordered it to be recovered from the investors…
2023: The most significant legal developments that companies in Spain should keep on their radar
Garrigues analyzes from every business law angle the most significant legislative changes that are due to arrive next year.