

Publications - Real Estate

  • Garrigues Sustainable Newsletter - January 2025

    In this newsletter we compile the most relevant legal news on ESG matters in Spain, published by Garrigues and G-advisory.

  • Buying properties in Spain (II): key technical steps for Polish investors

    Navigating the intricacies of property acquisition in Spain, especially for Polish buyers, requires a grasp of technicalities. From the pivotal signing of sales contracts to financing options, this article explores in detail the essential steps for…

  • Buying properties in Spain (I): first steps and important considerations for foreign investors before the purchase

    When it comes to purchasing a property in Spain, there are several factors to consider before, during, and after the acquisition process. In a three-part series of articles, we will delve into the steps to follow in each case, beginning with this…

  • Simplification in real estate transactions in Portugal: what changes

    The set of measures proposed by the Government for parliamentary approval is ambitious and bold, with a view to simplifying processes in carrying out urban development operations and executing real estate transactions. It is important to understand…

  • 2023: The most significant legal developments that companies in Spain should keep on their radar

    Garrigues analyzes from every business law angle the most significant legislative changes that are due to arrive next year.

  • Real estate investment and finance trends in Latin America

    The pandemic, the global economic climate, and the political situation in Latin America have changed the course of real estate investment in the region. The new scenario has seen a rise in alternative mechanisms for the industry's assets. In…

  • REITs or SIGIs: an alternative for investment in real estate assets in Portugal

    Garrigues Portugal offers a detailed analysis of the legal regime of Real Estate Investment and Management Companies (SIGI) in the latest edition of the EPRA Global REIT 2021 Study. The firm's experts explain the key factors to take into…

  • COVID-19: Approval of measures in relation to non-residential leases

    The Official State Bulletin of December 23, 2020 carried notice of Royal Decree-Law 35/2020, of December 22, 2020, on urgent measures to support the tourism and hotel industries and trade and in relation to tax matters (RDL 35/2020), articles 1…

  • Thoughts on royal decree laws 11/2020 and 15/2020 in relation to leases

    We analyze certain doubts about interpretation arising from some of the provisions enacted due to the crisis caused by COVID-19 in relation to leases.

  • COVID-19: Main legislative or regulatory initiatives that have been taken in Portugal

    Pandemic has entered the world’s daily vocabulary in the most dramatic and unexpected way. As the severity of the situation worsens, a growing number of legislative initiatives attempt to address the needs of citizens and society in the face…

  • COVID-19: Portuguese Government draft bill establishes an exceptional regime for deferral of rental payments

    On March 26, 2020, the Government approved and submitted to Parliament a proposal for exceptional legislation (Draft Bill nº 21/XIV) that will allow for the deferral of the payment of rents due under lease agreements, during the emergency…

  • It was published the first amendment to the Portuguese SIGIs’ Regime

    On the 4th of September 2019, Law no. 97/2019 was published in Portugal’s Official Journal introducing the first amendment, approved under a parliament review, to the Real Estate Investment and Asset Management (SIGIs) regime,…