

  • The DGT clarifies new rules on deductible financial expenses in Corporate Tax

    These new rules are applicable for fiscal years beginning from 2024 and have been introduced to align Spanish regulations with the ATAD Directive.

  • Spain's working calendar for 2025 published in the Official State Gazette

    The calendar includes eight national holidays, in addition to those of the different autonomous communities.

  • Kinship may be a cause for nullity of dismissal, but it is not automatic

    Within the ever-growing list of causes of discrimination referred to employment relationships, we cannot forget that kinship with persons belonging to or related to the company may also be a cause of nullity of dismissal, but it does not cause such…

  • Peru: Indecopi cleared 45 filings and rejected 1 in the first three years of its Antitrust Merger Control Regime

    Garrigues and the Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Peru (COCEP) have published a new report analyzing the first three years of the merger control regime for business transactions in Peru.

  • China Legal Newsletter - October 2024

    This newsletter highlights key recent developments in China’s laws and regulations. Specifically, it focuses on the laws and regulations related to foreign investment, market access, foreign debt administration, data economy, privacy and…

  • Overseas workers in the tourism industry: a review of IRPF benefits

    It is commonplace in the tourism industry to hire workers from abroad and send employees to work outside Spain. The Personal Income Tax Law provides personal income tax benefits for both these cases.

  • Spain: Approval of the royal decree that develops measures to guarantee equality and non-discrimination of LGTBI people in companies

    The approved regulation protects the rights of LGTBI people, developing Law 4/2023 whose aim is to guarantee their rights by eradicating situations of discrimination against diversity, and includes the content of the measures of action and protocols…

  • New developments on lawyer-client privilege in CJEU case law

    In the last entry of our Tax Blog, we mentioned that the CJEU could clarify or refine its doctrine on professional secrecy in its upcoming ruling on case C-432/23, Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Luxembourg. This anticipated judgment was issued on…

  • SOCIMI: Script Dividend not valid for meeting dividend distribution obligation when shareholders are PIT or NRIT taxpayers without permanent establishment

    In a recent resolution, the General Directorate of Taxes (DGT) confirms that script dividends are only valid for fulfilling the dividend distribution obligation in the special regime of Listed Companies for Investment in the Real Estate Market (…

  • Judicial reform in Mexico: relevant changes in the Supreme Court, the Council of the Federal Judiciary and the federal courts

    The reduction in the number of Supreme Court Justices and the possibility for citizens to vote for justices, magistrates and judges are some of the new elements of this reform.

  • Tick tock… countdown to the entry into force of the additional solidarity contribution

    On January 1, 2025, the additional solidarity contribution will come into force, by which companies and employees will have to contribute to the Social Security for the salaries that exceed the maximum contribution base established annually by the…

  • Careful drafting of a license agreement is essential for ensuring a successful and mutually beneficial licensing partnership

    Licensing allows companies to enter new markets, reduce production and distribution costs, and strengthen consumer loyalty. However, the success of any licensing strategy hinges on a well-negotiated agreement that includes legal safeguards, clear…