


Garrigues wins Latin Finance’s “Best Infrastructure Law Firm for the Andes” award for the second year running

Garrigues has been named “Best Infrastructure Law Firm for the Andes” for 2016 for its advisory services in relation to the execution and financing of major infrastructure projects in this region. It is the second consecutive year it has won this award.

New York, October 3, 2016.-  Latin Finance, a business magazine covering current economic affairs in Latin America and the Caribbean, picked the firm as winner after analysing the nominations made by different players in the sector. When evaluating the work of the nominees, consideration was given to strategy, to the volume and variety of the operations performed, to innovation, and to quality in execution. Also taken into account were the social and economic benefits brought by different projects, through which they contribute to the region’s development.
The 2016 Project & Infrastructure Finance Awards were presented in New York, at an event which brought together the most important financial operators and main international law firms, along with the large corporations and institutions which assume the task of actually launching these major investment initiatives. The award was received by Oscar Arrús, partner at Garrigues’ Lima office, along with Francisco Noguera, senior associate at the firm’s Bogota office.
In addition to this prize, there were also awards for two transactions in which Garrigues provided its advisory services. The financing of the Line 2 Lima Metro project won two awards, in the Best Transport Financing and Best Bond categories. The Covipacífico operation—one of the concession-holders for Colombia’s fourth generation highways project – also won the award for Best Local Currency Financing. The advisory services in respect of the first of these transactions were provided by the team from Garrigues’ Lima office, whereas the second was handled by the Garrigues team in Bogota.
Such recognition of Garrigues’ work is a boost to the firm’s strategy in Latin America, which is based on the opening of its own offices, staffed by local and international professionals specializing in different areas of business law. The Latin American practice has been bolstered this year with the addition of several experts in areas of strategic importance to the firm’s clients (including the integration in March of the Chilean law firm Avendaño Merino).  Garrigues now has over 100 professionals (including 27 partners) in Latin America, operating from its offices in Lima, Bogota, Santiago de Chile, Mexico City and São Paulo. 

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