The Council of the European Union adopts the Recommendation on developing framework conditions for the social economy and Conclusions on mental health and precarious work
The Recommendation includes measures promoting the role of the social economy in labor market integration and social inclusion. The Conclusions on mental health and precarious work contain a set of suggestions with the aim of promoting the psychological well-being of employees.
On 9 October 2023, the Council of the European Union reached a political agreement on the Recommendation on the development of framework conditions for the social economy.
The recommendation focuses on guiding Member States to promote policy and regulatory frameworks, which ease the development of the social economy, defined as a set of private law entities, providing goods and services to their members or to society and that operate according to the following principles: (i) the primacy of people as well as social and/or environmental purpose over profit, (ii) reinvestment of all or most of the profits and surpluses to further pursue their social and/or environmental purposes and carry out activities in the interest of members/users and/or society at large, and (iii) democratic and/or participatory governance.
On this same date, the Council adopted a set of Conclusions on mental health and precarious work, inviting Member States to take the necessary measures to prevent, monitor, manage and address psychosocial risks at work. Likewise, the European Commission is invited to coordinate Member States' efforts to manage such psychosocial risks at work. Finally, the social partners are invited to take part in the social dialogue and to remind employers of the importance of promoting mental health and well-being at the workplace.
Both agreements of the Council of the European Union are framed in the European Union social and employment policies and goals.