

  • Garrigues Mexico obtains the “Socially Responsible Enterprise” distinction for the ninth consecutive year

    This distinction singles out companies that have voluntarily incorporated social and environmental values in the operation of their business. To obtain this award, a process is conducted that measures and compares the level of development in their ESR practices.
  • Spain: Here is the new procedure for marine renewable energy installations

    The new administrative rules on authorization of these installations involve a process in stages and the simultaneously granting of the renewable energy economic regime, an access capacity allocation for the transmission grid and a preferred right for obtaining concessions for public domain coastal land.
  • Spain: The terms and conditions and call for applications for the "Equality in Business" award for 2024 are published

    The award is intended to recognise and stimulate the work of companies and entities committed to equality.
  • Tourism and climate change: a great challenge (and also an opportunity) for the sector

    The impact that climate change is having on tourism requires the adoption of measures that contribute to reducing its effects, not only by complying with sustainability regulations, but also because of the opportunity that the implementation of the best environmental and social practices can represent for the future of the sector.
  • ESRS: The consolidated version (including the corrigendum) of the first set of European sustainability reporting standards is now available in EUR-Lex

    These standards, which have applied since January 1, 2024, specify the information that companies must disclose on sustainability matters, as well as the uniform manner in which they must present it.
  • Publication of the organic law on equal representation and a balanced presence of women and men

    This proposal transposes into Spanish law the European directive on improving the gender balance among directors of listed companies and related measures, although it is more demanding in its scope than the provisions in the EU act. In labor law matters, the measures envisaged for victims of gender violence are extended to include the victims of sexual violence.
  • Garrigues Sustainable Newsletter - July 2024

    In this newsletter we compile the most relevant legal news on ESG matters in Spain, published by Garrigues and G-advisory.
  • The Spanish tourist sector faces news requirements to avoid food waste

    The Food Loss and Waste Prevention bill establishes a series of obligations for the food chain – which includes hotels and restaurants – such as having a plan to prevent food losses, reaching agreements to donate their surpluses or allowing customers to take back uneaten food.
  • Europe promotes repairs in its quest to achieve a circular economy

    Manufacturers will have to repair any goods for which the EU lays down repairability requirements where the defects are not due to the non-conformity of the goods with a sales contract.
  • The EU extends the list of environmentally unfriendly behaviour that can be punished under criminal law

    Directive 2024/1203 strengthens European environmental criminal law and requires Member states to ensure that such activities are punishable under their laws by 21 May 2026. It also establishes a profuse penalty regime that Member states will have to observe when determining the penalties to be imposed for such conducts.