


Garrigues Partners’ Meeting names Fernando Vives and Ricardo Gómez-Barreda as the Firm’s new Managing Partners

The new partners are set to take office on September 1

Meeting in Alicante, Garrigues’ partners have approved the appointments of Fernando Vives and Ricardo Gómez-Barreda as the Managing Partners of the Firm, a position they will take up on September 1. The new Managing Partners are set to take over from José María Alonso and Miguel Gordillo, whose tenure at the helm of the Firm over the last nine years has been characterized by continuous growth, the consolidation of the Firm’s commanding position in Spain, and international expansion.

Meeting in Alicante, Garrigues’ partners have approved the appointments of Fernando Vives and Ricardo Gómez-Barreda as the Managing Partners of the Firm, a position they will take up on September 1. The new Managing Partners are set to take over from José María Alonso and Miguel Gordillo, whose tenure at the helm of the Firm over the last nine years has been characterized by continuous growth, the consolidation of the Firm’s commanding position in Spain, and international expansion.

Their time in charge has seen Garrigues take its place as the country’s top law firm in terms of billings and professional headcount. In 2000, the year in which José María Alonso and Miguel Gordillo took up the reins at Garrigues-Andersen, some 700 people worked at the Firm and billings stood at Ptas. 16,300 million (close to €98 million). Nine years down the line, the Firm is set to close FY2009 with professional fee revenues of over €330 million, and headcount at the Firm has now passed the 2,600-mark.

The new Managing Partners
Fernando Vives and Ricardo Gómez-Barreda are due to take up office on September 1, following long and successful professional careers at Garrigues. 

Fernando Vives holds a Degree in Law and Economics and Business Administration from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE), as well as a PhD in Law, Cum Laude, from the same University. He joined the Firm in 1986, going on to be admitted as a partner in 1998, and since 2001 he has been the head and national coordinator of Garrigues’ Corporate/Commercial Law Department (with over 500 lawyers). Throughout his professional career, he has specialized in corporate finance, reorganizations and M&A deals, tender offers, securities issues and public offerings, and regulatory matters concerning listed companies. He has advised on major M&A transactions and has played an active role in private equity deals. He also has a wealth of experience in the insurance industry.

Ricardo Gómez-Barreda has a Degree in Law and Economics and Business Administration from Universidad de Deusto. He joined the Firm in 1982 and was admitted as a partner at Garrigues in 1993. Since 1998, he has been the head and national coordinator of Garrigues’ Tax Department, which comprises over 600 practitioners. During his career at the Firm, he has specialized in tax advice for financial institutions and multinational groups, as well as in M&A deals. He sits on the Board of the Taxand alliance, a global alliance of independent, pure tax firms, of which Garrigues is a founding member and which currently boasts more than 2,000 professionals from some fifty firms across the world.