

Publications - Tax

  • COVID 19: Exceptional measures regarding payments on account

    We outline below the exceptional measures that have successively been adopted to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in Portugal on payments on account and additional payments on account.

  • The reporting obligation on the establishments where invoices are issued has been suspended

    We recall that this obligation has been implemented by the SIMPLEX+ Programme in article 34 of Decree-Law no. 28/2019, of 15 February. Initially this obligation had to be fulfilled until 30/06/2019, later extended to 30/06/2020 by Order no. 4/2019-…

  • COVID-19: The deadline for the delivery of the IES of 2019 was postponed to 15 September

    The deadline for the delivery of the IES/DA of 2019 was again postponed, now from 7 August to 15 September of 2020, as disclosed by Order 259/2020.XXII, of 16 July, of the SEAF, being applicable, without any charges or penalties, to taxpayers:

  • COVID-19: New postponement in the fulfillment of VAT obligations in Portugal

    The Portuguese Government has approved new extensions of the tax deadlines to comply with VAT obligations, by Order no. 229/2020-XXII, of 24 June, that can may be fulfilled without the application of any penalties:

  • Clarifications concerning the obligation to submit the transfer pricing documentation to the Portuguese Tax Authorities have been published

    A set of clarifications was made available in the official website of the Portuguese Tax Authorities (“AT”) regarding the obligation to submit the transfer pricing file to which some taxpayers are subject (please check our…

  • Tax Measures of Supplementary Budget Bill for 2020 in Portugal

    The Portuguese Government presented a Supplementary Budget Bill for 2020 that includes several tax measures. The Supplementary Budget Bill will now enter a phase of parliamentary discussion to arrive to a final text by 3 of July.

  • COVID-19: Portuguese government temporarily subjects masks and disinfectant gel to the reduced VAT rate

    As announced by the Portuguese Government, Law no. 13/2020, of 7 May, was finally published, which came into force on the day after its publication and provides for the temporary application of the following VAT measures:

  • COVID-19: Portuguese Government approved new postponement in the fulfillment of tax obligations

    As we have been following, the Portuguese Government has approved several successive exceptional measures to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal.

  • COVID-19: Main legislative or regulatory initiatives that have been taken in Portugal

    Pandemic has entered the world’s daily vocabulary in the most dramatic and unexpected way. As the severity of the situation worsens, a growing number of legislative initiatives attempt to address the needs of citizens and society in the face…

  • The deadline to submit the VAT periodic return of February was extended to 17 April. Electronic invoicing for public contracts is postponed to 2021

    In the context of the extraordinary measures adopted to minimize the impact of new coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Portuguese economy, the Portuguese Government decided to extend the deadline to submit the VAT periodic return of February from 10 to 17…

  • The submission of the Monthly Stamp Tax Declaration becomes mandatory only in 2021

    The Monthly Stamp Tax Declaration (“DMIS”), as well as assessment and payment obligations, are subject to changes within the scope of the implementation of extraordinary and urgent measures in response to the epidemiological situation…

  • Form "Model 30" was updated

    Form “Modelo 30” was updated by Ordinance no. 78/2020, of 20 March in order to allow the fulfillment of the international commitments assumed by Portugal regarding administrative cooperation in the field of taxation.