


João Lima Cluny joins Garrigues to head the criminal law practice in Portugal

Portugal - 

Garrigues has hired João Lima Cluny as partner in charge of the Criminal Law and Internal Investigations service in Portugal. With more than 15 years’ experience, João Lima Cluny is a respected lawyer in the field of economic criminal law where he has participated in some of Portugal’s most significant criminal proceedings in recent years. This new hire consolidates Garrigues’ position in Portugal as a premier firm in the main branches of business law.

João Lima Cluny joins the Lisbon team with the specific task of promoting and coordinating the Criminal Law and Internal Investigations service in Portugal. He has pursued his entire professional career in this field, working both with the law on penalties and providing preventive advice (corporate compliance and management of internal investigations). In particular, he has a wealth of experience in the prevention of corruption and money laundering and in-depth knowledge of the energy, finance, occupational safety, environment and sports sectors. He has been an arbitrator and mediator at the Court of Arbitration for Sport since its creation in 2015.

In his career, João Lima Cluny has participated in some of the most high-profile and significant criminal proceedings in Portugal in recent years, advising both individuals and corporate clients, including multinationals. He has also advised on cases relating to serious administrative infringements before the Portuguese Antitrust, Regulation and Supervision Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union.

His career also includes extensive training in the legal and criminal fields. He holds a Degree in Law and a Master’s Degree in Legal and Forensic Science from Universidad Nova. He also has specialist training in sports law, data protection and digital evidence in criminal proceedings.

For João Lima Cluny, this new period at Garrigues poses an exciting challenge. “The firm is already a major international benchmark in the field of economic criminal law. We want to extend this leadership and recognition to Portugal in order to continue assisting our clients in an area of such vital importance for companies.”

João Miranda de Sousa, the partner in charge of Garrigues Portugal, confirmed that João Lima Cluny’s experience “will be key to the development of this service and of the firm itself, within our strategic goal of becoming a leading firm covering all areas of business law, something which gives us a unique edge in the market.”