Garrigues Mexico obtains the “Socially Responsible Enterprise” distinction for the eighth consecutive year

The Garrigues Mexico office has been recognized, for the eighth year in a row, as a Socially Responsible Enterprise (ESR® 2023), a distinction awarded by Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (Cemefi) with a view to encouraging companies to initiate corporate social responsibility and sustainability practices that have a positive impact on society.
This distinction singles out companies that have voluntarily incorporated social and environmental values in the operation of their business. To obtain this award, a process is conducted that measures and compares the level of development in their ESR practices.
In 2023, the new ESR distinction model looks at four criteria (the environment, social affairs, governance and global context) and covers nine areas (the environment, workers’ rights, consumer affairs, active participation, development of the value chain, corporate social responsibility management and fair practices, human rights and global variables). All in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.