

Publications - Labor and Employment

  • Amendments to the legal framework for the entry and stay of foreigners in national territory

    Law no.  18/2022, of August 25 was published in the Official Gazette, introducing changes to the legal framework of entry, stay, departure and removal of foreigners from national territory and introducing the necessary conditions for the…

  • Law clarifies on Social Security charges for employers that have dropped out of the “Extraordinary Incentive for Business Regularization”

    Published in the official gazette Rule no. 205/2022, of 11 August, clarifying the terms and conditions applicable to employers that dropped out of the “Extraordinary Incentive for Business Regularization” (introduced by …

  • New changes coming in relation to conciliation

    Post from Garrigues Labor and Employment Blog.

  • Bicycles for public servants: energy saving measures in the Administration

    Post from Garrigues Labor and Employment Blog.

  • Spain: New contribution system for self-employed workers based on income approved and immigration regulations amended

    The new royal decree-law amends the contribution system under the Special Social Security Regime for Self-Employed Workers or Independent Contractors which will be based on the self-employed individual’s annual income instead of the simple…

  • Spain: The new comprehensive Law for equal treatment and nondiscrimination also applies to employment

    The scope of the legislation includes equality and nondiscrimination in access to employment, working conditions, including remuneration and dismissal, professional advancement and employment training.

  • Working time record keeping, the right to disconnect and the regulating role of the law

    A few years on from when they came into force, neither working time record keeping nor the right to disconnect have implementing regulations able to provide a response to increasingly complex employment relationships.

  • Spain: Law encouraging occupational pension plans published

    The published law includes rules on the new open public occupational pension funds and introduces a new “simplified” occupational pension plan.

  • Spain: Extension of restrictions for layoffs linked to grounds arising from the war in Ukraine

    The Government has extended until December 31, 2022 the restrictions for laying off employees on objective grounds at companies benefiting from support related to the invasion of Ukraine.

  • A guide to prepare gender-sensitive pay audits is published

    The Ministry of Equality has prepared, together with the Ministry of Employment and employee and employer representatives, an informative document that seeks to facilitate compliance with pay audit obligations.

  • The EU reaches provisional political deal on balanced gender representation on the boards of listed companies

    Listed companies should aim to have at least 40% of non-executive director positions filled by members of the under-represented sex, or 33% of all director positions, including executive directors. The deal also sets out guidelines for selection…

  • The Spanish Ministry of Labor interprets the scope of company obligations to provide information on algorithms

    In guidelines published by the Ministry, it details the information that must be provided by the company to the workers’ representatives and to the workers themselves. The document includes a tool/questionnaire to determine and systemize the…