Garrigues once again places first in the Merco Responsibility ESG ranking
For another year, the firm has ranked the highest of among the 100 most responsible companies in Spain according to this ranking, and has renewed its presence in the Governance ranking

On January 21, the 14th edition of the Merco Responsibility ESG ranking was held, which recognizes the 100 most responsible companies in terms of the environment, society and governance. Once again, Garrigues has ranked at the top of the list.
In the general classification, the firm placed 57th, four above last year, and took first place again in the “Lawyers” industry ranking. In the specific ranging for the G component, Garrigues again stood out for its responsibility in terms of ethics and governance, taking 46th place.
The study carried out this year by Merco was based on an analysis of 63,776 surveys of different stakeholders (executives, ESG experts, NGOs, professional and consumer associations, SMEs, etc.), drawing from 27 information sources and seven different perspectives.
See the full ranking: Ranking Merco Responsabilidad ESG España