+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer, nº 45722
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
Mónica Martín de Vidales Godino co-manages Garrigues’ Corporate/Commercial Department, where her professional practice focuses on the areas of commercial law, mainly relating to M&A matters, commercial contracts in general and corporate law. She has participated in negotiating and formalizing agreements recording the sale and purchase, merger and integration of companies or entities of various types, shareholder agreements and protocols, joint venture, investment and divestment agreements, managing due diligence teams, coordinating with respect to financing for acquisitions and regulatory merger control processes. Holds a Degree in Law (Business Legal Adviser) from Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE E-1). She has been recognized by Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, IFLR1000, Iberian Lawyer, and Best Lawyers in Spain.
Mónica Martín de Vidales Godino has co-managed the Corporate/Commercial Department of Garrigues since 2013, having joined the firm following a stint at Arthur Andersen and a period between 2001 and 2004 as the general and board secretary of Telefónica Media, S.A., the then parent company of the media group of Grupo Telefónica. An expert in corporate/commercial law, she has participated in highly complex transactions, including:
- M&A transactions for clients in both the industrial sector and private equity funds or individuals , in bilateral private or competitive processes or via tender offers or privatization processes.
- Analysis, design and planning of corporate/commercial and regulatory aspects of corporate group reorganization processes, both domestic and international.
In the above two cases, coordinating processes with firms from other jurisdictions, in cases of an international footprint, and with specialists in other branches of law such as tax, labor, administrative and antitrust law.
- Matters relating to commercial contracts in general and to corporate law, for both private and listed companies.
- Analysis, design and advice on corporate governance matters for both listed and private companies.
Academic background
Degree in Law (Letrado Asesor de Empresas) from Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE E-1).
Teaching activity
- Co-director of the Garrigues Chair in Modernization of Corporate Law at ICADE.
- Part-time lecturer for Law Degree at Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE).
- Lecturer in corporate/commercial law in Master’s Degree for Access to the Legal Profession at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
- Speaker in Business Restructuring, Refinancing and Insolvency Program at IE Business School.
- Speaker in Access to the Legal Profession Course at Madrid Bar Association.
- Regular speaker at seminars and conferences organized by public entities, private companies, and associations representing several business sectors.
Madrid Bar Association.
Mónica has featured in the main directories such as Legal 500, IFLR1000, Iberian Lawyer, Best Lawyers in Spain and Chambers&Partners with respect to the M&A corporate/commercial practice area. She is a member of the team of commercial M&A experts which positions Garrigues as a relevant firm for transactions of this kind in Spain. She has been recognized in the ranking of the Top 50 women in the legal industry in Spain and Portugal in the Iberian Lawyer’s InspiraLAw initiative and has been classified among the 10 best lawyers for the Best Lawyer Award of the Expansión Jurídico Awards from 2018 to 2020.
- “La sociedad de capital: sus intereses y conflictos” (“The capital company: its interests and conflicts”) Colección Cátedra de Garrigues de Modernización del Derecho de Sociedades. Tirant lo blanc (2022).
- Manual “Fundamentos de Derecho Empresarial. Contratación Mercantil. Tomo III”. (Handbook “Fundamentals of Business Law. Commercial Contracts. Volume III.”) tme. Tratados y manuales de empresas. Cívitas. Thomson Reuters (2012).
- “La Sociedad Cotizada” (“The Listed Company”). Colección Garrigues. Marcial Pons (2006).
- Author of numerous articles and publications in journals specializing in commercial law.