+51 1 399 2600
Javier Coronado is the Economic Director (Counsel) of the antitrust, regulation and intellectual property practice area in Lima. He specializes in the economics of antitrust matters and mergers, economic regulation, intellectual property, and financial appraisals for the purpose of calculating damages, fines, among other relevant issues.
He has extensive experience, having held key positions such as CEO and Chief Economist at INDECOPI, Member of the Dispute Resolution Tribunal of the transport regulator OSITRAN, Deputy Minister of Communications, and economist at various regulatory agencies in Peru.
In private practice, he has ample experience advising clients, holding positions at the antitrust and intellectual property teams at NERA Economic Consulting and Charles Rivers Associates International in Spain. He lectures on the Masters’ degrees in Economics and Regulation at PUCP, and on the Master's degree course in Administrative Law and Regulation at UDEP where he is also a Director of the Data Science Program in partnership with the Barcelona GSE. He also regularly publishes articles and scientific research on matters relating to economics and regulation.
Javier Coronado has been the Economic Director (Counsel) of the antitrust, regulation and intellectual property practice area in Lima since 2021. He specializes in the economic analysis of antitrust matters and mergers, economic regulation, public utilities, intellectual property, and financial appraisals for the purpose of calculating damages, fines, among other.
In the anti-trust area, Javier has advised a variety of clients on the following aspects:
- Investigations over cartels and collusion practices, including analysis of the effects of anti-competitive agreements, applying econometric tools, and advising companies on reporting and possible application to leniency programs.
- Advising on cases of abuse of dominant position, undertaking market studies to determine the relevant markets affected, the dominant position of businesses, and the evaluation of pro-competitive effects and the rationality of commercial strategies.
- Economic analysis of mergers along merger control regimes, advising businesses on the presentation of notifications to the authorities throughout the entire pre-filing and filing process, including the preparation of reports and economic analyses of the markets involved, the potential effects on competition and the design of remedies to mitigate negative impacts over competition in the market.
- The implementation of compliance programs relating to antitrust matters, applying a multidisciplinary management and control approach in relation to the companies concerned.
- Calculation and discussion of administrative fines, applying the quantification standards of antitrust and unfair competition authorities.
- Economic reports as support in disputes before the anti-red tape authority, analyzing the reasonableness and economic proportionality of sub-legal regulations.
With regard to economic regulation, Javier has advised numerous clients on matters which include the following:
- Tariff regulation and tariff formulas, as well as projection and financing models for public utility projects in telecommunications.
- Setting of regulated prices in the energy sector, and price cap regulation in the telecommunications and port services markets.
- Application of the Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) model to advise clients on legislative and regulatory proposals, including economic cost-benefit assessments and the design of regulatory alternatives.
The services relating to intellectual property matters which Javier provides include the following:
- Advising clients on the application of remuneration tariffs for the public communication of protected works and related economic analyses.
- Economic calculation of the value of trademarks, applying econometric and financial methods to value the economic flow attributable to trademarks.
- Royalty analysis and FRANDs over patents.
Academic background
- Degree in Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP).
- MSc in Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London.
- Master’s Degree in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona.
- PhD in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona (Summa Cum Laude).
Teaching activity
Javier Coronado lectures on the Masters’ degreess in Economics and Regulation of Public Utilities at PUCP, and on the Master's degree course in Administrative Law and Regulation at UDEP, where he is also a Director of the Data Science Program in partnership with the Barcelona GSE. Specifically, he teaches subjects such as The Economic Analysis of Competition, Industrial Organization, Economics of Regulation of Public Utilities, and History of Economic Thought.
He also teaches courses in microeconometrics and quantitative methods at the UDEP and the BGSE, and has served as associate professor at the UPF in Barcelona, in charge of econometrics and advanced econometrics courses; he has also taught at the Instituto de Economía Bursátil (IEB) pertaining to Universidad Complutense de Madrid, under the European competition law program.
He frequently collaborates as a lecturer on university extension courses run by INDECOPI, OSITRAN, OSINERGMIN and SUNASS, Peru's main anti-trust and regulatory authorities.
- Joan Sardá Prize for the best book on economics awarded by the Association of Economists of Catalonia, 2011.
- Good Practice in Government Management Leadership award, CAD, 2016, 2018 and 2019.
- PhD in Economics with a Summa Cum Laude distinction awarded by Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
- Recipient of a full tuition grant awarded on the basis of academic performance by Univeristat Pompeu Fabra, 2004-2008.
- Grant from the Urrutia Elejalde Foundation, Universidad del País Vasco, 2005.
- “Competition and Productivity: Evidence from Peruvian Municipalities”, with J. Sampi and M. Schiffbauer, The Review of Economics and Statistics (2022).
- “Restricciones verticales, cuándo el remedio puede ser peor que la (supuesta) enfermedad” (Vertical restrictions: when the cure can be worse than the (supposed) disease), elDial de Argentina (2022).
- “Merger Control in Peru: The Political Economy and Economics of a New Regulation”, Competition Policy International, CPI Columns Latin America (2021).
- “Comentarios a la Nueva Ley de Control de Concentraciones en Perú” (Comments on the New Merger Control Law in Peru), with V. Cruz, in: Anuario de la Competencia de España, Fundación ICO-Nebrija (2020).
- "Controlling regulation and red tape: The Peruvian experience on the elimination of bureaucratic barriers", with F. Ochoa, in: GRUR Int. Vol 68 (2019).
- "Cartel investigations and poverty reduction: A taste of Peru", Competition Policy International No. 16 (2014).
- "An empirical analysis of the multimarket contact theory in pharmaceutical markets" with S. Jiménez, European Journal of Health Economics, 15 (6) (2013).
- "Hacia un enfoque moderno del control de concentraciones: El uso de modelos de simulación" (A more modern approach to merger control: the use of simulation models), with F. Jiménez Latorre, in: Asociación Española de Defensa de la Competencia (2010).
- "La concentración Distrirutas-Gelesa-Siglo XXI-Logintegral una historia de un mercado de dos lados" (The Distrirutas-Gelesa-Siglo XXI-Logintegral merger: the story of a market with two sides), with P. Posada, in: Anuario de la Competencia de España, Fundación ICO-Nebrija (2009).
- "Análisis económico de la colusión en mercados de subastas: Pujas fraudulentas” (Economic analysis of collusion in auction markets: Bid rigging) with F. Jiménez Latorre, in Los Acuerdos Horizontales entre Empresas, Fundación Rafael del Pino (2009).