+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer nº 66333
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
Daniel Parejo has been a lawyer at Garrigues at its Madrid office since 1997.
He pursues his practice in the area of commercial law, specializing in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (with both private equity funds and industrial companies), corporate law (board secretarial services and corporate reorganizations) and contract law (distribution agreements, agency agreements, retail trade, general terms and conditions, consumer law, etc.). He has a wealth of experience in the retail sector and the automotive industry.
Daniel Parejo, who joined Garrigues in 1997, works at the firm’s Madrid office. He has extensive experience in corporate and commercial law and specializes in transactions.
Throughout this professional career, his practice has focused on commercial law, specializing in mergers and acquisitions, corporate law and contract law. In particular, he has participated in multiple projects, most with cross-border implications, including most notably:
- Recurring legal advice on corporate and contractual matters.
- His involvement as secretary to the board of directors and legal counsel to multiple Spanish companies and subsidiaries of foreign groups.
- Advice on mergers and acquisitions, led or participated in by private equity funds or industrial companies from a wide range of industries.
- Advice on the restructuring or reorganization of corporate groups at national and international level.
Many of the transactions in which he has participated involve a broad spectrum of business sectors, including, among others:
- Private equity funds in LBO and MBO transactions.
- Automotive.
- Retail.
- Energy.
- Education.
He has also delivered various seminars on the legal aspects of the sale and purchase of companies, joint ventures and international contracts at the Centro de Estudios Garrigues and the Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección.
Furthermore, he regularly contributes to academic publications in the main specialist journals.
Daniel is a member of the Madrid Bar Association, the UCL Alumni - University College London -, the Harvard Club of Spain and the Real Colegio Complutense - Harvard University.
Academic background
- Degree in Law (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1994).
- LLM University College London (University of London, 1996).
- Doctorate courses (Universidad Complutense Madrid, 2000).
- Visiting Scholar, Harvard Law School (Harvard University 2005).
- Madrid Bar Association.
- UCL Alumni - University College London.
- Harvard Club of Spain.
- Real Colegio Complutense - Harvard University.
- “¿Existe obligación de convocar Junta General de una sociedad en caso de concurrencia de causa legal de disolución por pérdidas estando la misma en concurso?” (Is there an obligation to call a shareholders’ meeting at a company when a statutory ground for winding-up exists as a result of losses, in circumstances where the company is subject to an insolvency proceeding?). Revista Derecho de Sociedades, 38/2012.
- "Cláusula de adjudicación de la cosa entregada en prenda: validez del “pacto marciano”” (Clauses for the award of pledged collateral: validity of the ‘pacto marciano’). Revista Derecho de Sociedades, 32/2009.
- "Marco Jurídico en el que se desarrollan las operaciones de control empresarial” (Legal framework for business control transactions), coauthor, in “El Papel de las Instituciones Públicas en las Operaciones de Control Corporativo Nacionales y Transnacionales”, Fundación de Estudios Financieros, 2008.
- "La Fusión” (Mergers), in “Reestructuraciones Societarias”, coauthor, AAVV. Marcial Pons-Garrigues, 2008.
- "Transformación, Fusión y Escisión de Sociedades Cotizadas" (Alteration of legal form, merger and spin-off of listed companies) in “La Sociedad Cotizada”, coauthor, AAVV. Marcial Pons-Garrigues, 2006.
- "Cross Border Conflicts solved by domestic law", in “The Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions 2005”, (2005) International Financial Law Review, coauthor.
- "Minority Shareholders’ rights (Report from Spain)", (2005) 2 “European Company Lawyer”, coauthor.
- "Legislative measures for a more flexible entrepreneurial activity in Spain: the new Enterprise Private Limited Liability Company", (2004) 4 “European Company Lawyer”, coauthor.
- “Cross border mergers. A Spanish perspective", (2004), September “Corporate Counsel”, coauthor.
- Articles in Expansión.