+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer, nº 77497
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
Beatriz Bustamante Zorrilla is a counsel in the Litigation and Arbitration Department and practices in the areas of Criminal Law and Compliance. She advises individuals and legal entities on criminal procedure and has specialized in advising businesses on corporate and criminal compliance matters since 2010. Her work in this area includes the design and implementation of criminal compliance systems and the preparation, review and update of their main elements, assisting businesses in configuring and developing the compliance function, and assessing the criminal compliance systems in place at companies as part of periodic review processes or as part of internal investigations and/or criminal proceedings.
Beatriz holds a Degree in Law from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and an Advanced Course in Legal Counseling for Businesses from the UCM School of Legal Practice. Postgraduate qualification in Compliance from Universidad Carlos III and Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Executive Program of Specialization in Compliance, IEB business school. CESCOM® Compliance Certificate.
Beatriz Bustamante Zorrilla joined Garrigues in 2004 as a member of the Criminal Law practice of the Litigation and Arbitration Department in Madrid.
She leads the group of lawyers specializing in corporate and criminal compliance, advising companies of all sizes and from a wide range of sectors.
Her extensive experience in this area includes the design and implementation of criminal compliance systems (crime risk identification and evaluation, analysis of the preventive capacity of prevention measures, establishment of ethics channels, reporting channels and information channels); the preparation, review and update of their main elements (codes, policies and protocols, records and evidence, action plans and training sessions); assisting businesses in configuring and developing the compliance function (composition and operating rules, responsibilities and reporting system); and assessing the criminal compliance systems in place at companies as part of periodic review processes or as part of internal investigations and/or criminal proceedings.
She gives training sessions on corporate and criminal compliance to employees and executives of companies in various sectors.
She also provides legal assistance in criminal proceedings before courts and tribunals across Spain in relation to economic and corporate crimes, tax crimes, intellectual and industrial property crimes, crimes against the market and consumers (corruption between individuals and in relation to competition), corruption in the public sector (bribery, trading in influence, misappropriation of public funds and corruption in international commercial transactions), and crimes against workers’ rights, particularly those deriving from occupational accidents with criminal implications.
Beatriz has spoken at legal seminars and congresses principally relating to legislative compliance and the criminal liability of legal entities and she is a lecturer on the Executive Program in Corporate Compliance and the Executive Master’s Degree in Business Law Practice at Centro de Estudios Garrigues (Universidad Europea).
She collaborates on various pro bono projects led by the firm, advising on corporate and criminal compliance.
Academic background
- Degree in Law, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Advanced Course in Legal Counseling for Businesses, School of Legal Practice, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Postgraduate qualification in Compliance, Universidad Carlos III and Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona.
- Advanced Executive Program of Specialization in Compliance, Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles (IEB).
- CESCOM® Compliance Certificate, recognized by the International Federation of Compliance Associations (IFCA).
Teaching activity
Lecturer on the Executive Master’s Degree in Business Law Practice and on the Executive Program in Corporate Compliance at Centro de Estudios Garrigues (Universidad Europea).
- Member of the Madrid Bar Association.
- Member of ASCOM.
“Prevención de los riesgos penales de la persona jurídica” (Prevention of the Crime Risks of Legal Entities). Defensa corporativa y compliance. Colección Garrigues Estudios. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2019.