FESBAL honors Garrigues with the loyalty award at the 2024 Espiga de Oro ceremony
The Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL) presented Garrigues with the 2024 loyalty award (Premio Fidelidad 2024) at the twenty-first edition of its Espiga de Oro awards “for its outstanding contribution and generous support to our institution”.The role of sustainability in institutional investors’ decision-making and what proxy advisors do
The embedding of ESG factors in corporate governance and the prominent role of proxy advisors were key topics in the seminar How Institutional and Proxy Advisors Approach Sustainability at Listed Companies, organized by Garrigues Sustainable Dialogs.Garrigues collaborates from Mexico and Chile with the Climate Policy Monitor launched by Oxford University
Oxford University has just presented the Climate Policy Monitor, an exhaustive analysis of the alignment of economic rules with climate goals, in which Garrigues has participated by evaluating the regulatory frameworks of Mexico and Chile in three strategic areas.Garrigues Mexico obtains the “Socially Responsible Enterprise” distinction for the ninth consecutive year
This distinction singles out companies that have voluntarily incorporated social and environmental values in the operation of their business. To obtain this award, a process is conducted that measures and compares the level of development in their ESR practices.New Garrigues Sustainability Report 2023
Just a week ago we celebrated the 22nd anniversary of our accession to the Global Compact. On this noteworthy date, we are presenting the 2023 Garrigues Sustainability Report on the firm’s policies, initiatives, parameters and goals in environmental, social and governance matters relating to the year ended December 2023.The Integra Foundation gives Garrigues one of its 2024 Volunteering Awards
The Integra Foundation has once again recognized Garrigues’ commitment, giving us one of its 2024 Volunteering Awards. It is a very special recognition dedicated to all the Firm’s volunteers who have participated in the workshops helping individuals at risk of social exclusion to recover the confidence they need to, among other things, get a job.Garrigues Mexico obtains the “Socially Responsible Enterprise” distinction for the eighth consecutive year
The Garrigues Mexico office has been recognized, for the eighth year in a row, as a Socially Responsible Enterprise (ESR® 2023), a distinction awarded by Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (Cemefi) with a view to encouraging companies to initiate corporate social responsibility and sustainability practices that have a positive impact on society.