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Roberto Borrás Polanía is the lead partner of the capital markets and banking and finance practices of Garrigues Colombia.
He served as Chief Financial Superintendent of Colombia, Director General of the Financial Compliance Unit of the Colombian Ministry of Finance and Public Debt, and Chairman of the Colombian Securities Market Self-Regulatory Body. He also served as Deputy Superintendent for Risks and Superintendent for Conglomerates in the Financial Superintendency of Colombia.
During his practice as a lawyer and legal adviser, he has worked as an international consultant for the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas (ASBA) and USAID.
He served as Chief Negotiator of Financial Services in Colombia during the negotiation of the Free Trade Agreement with Canada and the EFTA countries, and was a member of the negotiating team of the financial services chapter of the Free Trade Agreement with the United States of America.
Between 2011 and 2012 he was a partner in the Financial and Securities Market practice of one of the main law firms in Colombia. His legal practice has focused on commercial and corporate law, financing transactions, banking regulations and capital markets law, as well as on issues related to transactional services and payments. He is an arbitrator of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce in the areas of commercial and financial law.
He has been a professor on the postgraduate program in Banking and Financial Law at Universidad del Rosario, on the capital markets program at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, on the Master’s Degree in Banking and Stock Market Law at Universidad Externado de Colombia, on the Master’s Degree in Private Law at Universidad de Los Andes, and at Universidad Sergio Arboleda.
Academic background
He has a law degree from Universidad del Rosario and a postgraduate degree in Commercial Law from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota, Colombia). He also has a Diploma in Banking Transactions. He has participated in the Financial Surveillance Program at Toronto Centre and in the International Programs on Capital Market Regulation at the SEC (Washington DC) and IOSCO (Madrid).