+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer nº 57931
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
Alfredo Fernández Rancaño is the partner in charge of Garrigues’ Administrative law, Planning and Zoning and Environmental Law practice, where he has pursued his professional career since 1993.
Over the course of his lengthy career, he has amassed extensive and in-depth knowledge on a wide range of aspects relating to administrative and zoning law. His areas of expertise include the following:
- Financing of public infrastructure, especially as regards budget matters, the identification of public-private partnership models and the preparation of appropriate administrative terms of tender, providing assistance during the tender process, in particular on the method of public works concessions (preparation of answers to questions raised by potential tenderers; analysis of administrative documentation and tender bids; legal advice on the award, formalization and performance of the contract, etc.).
- Advice to the public and private sectors on the execution, amendment, performance, assignment and termination of administrative contracts of all kinds (works, services, supply, public works concessions, public-private partnerships).
- Legal audits and the preparation of reports on different issues relating to the EU and Spanish law applicable to a range of industries (health, transport, mining, coasts, ports, airports, gaming, energy, telecommunications, trade, etc.).
- Assistance to the public authorities in preparing and applying both statutory and regulatory legal provisions.
- Delimitation of powers and functions of the public authorities in various sectors, institutional reorganization of public authorities and comprehensive legal advice on changes to management methods of public services provided by authorities at central government, autonomous community or local level, or by public bodies dependent on such authorities. Involvement in the privatization of public industries and services and, specifically, the preparation of legal reviews for companies subject to acquisition processes.
- Cooperation and methods of collaboration between public authorities.
- Advice to the public and private sectors on zoning matters: planning analysis, zoning agreements identification of the acts requiring a license, rules on transfer of licenses, the relationship between municipal licenses and other industry authorizations (especially on trade matters). Advice on zoning due diligence processes.
- Advice on alienable and inalienable property in the public domain, as well as on condemnation.
- Legal assistance relating to public subsidies and aid and, in particular, aid and subsidies originating from European Union Funds for the construction of large infrastructure.
- Comprehensive advice in relation to personnel in the service of the public authorities.
- Legal assistance in administrative proceedings including penalty and judicial review proceedings, to individuals, commercial companies and all kinds of public entities.
- Active participation in the implementation of international technical assistance projects financed by multilateral bodies such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the European Commission in countries such as Mexico, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru.
- In general, advice on all aspects of the different areas of administrative activity (at central government, autonomous community and local level): roads, transport, health, telecommunications, water, education, energy, etc.
Academic background
Degree in Law and Economics and Business Administration, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (ICADE E-3).
Teaching activity
Alfredo Fernández Rancaño has performed numerous teaching engagements at a range of institutions (ICADE, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad de las Illes Balears) and has lectured on the Advanced Program on Public-Private Partnership Models in the Health and Socio-Health Area at IE Business School. He is a regular speaker at seminars and conferences staged by the firm and at an array of specialist centers (IFAES, IIR, etc.).
It is also included in the "Ranking of Best Law Professors 2023".
Alfredo Fernández Rancaño has been included by the Chambers&Partners directory, in the public law practice area, forming part of the team of experts singled out by the directory, which ranks Garrigues as one of the leading firms in Spain in the area of public law.
He is also a member of the Madrid Bar Association, of the Construction Arbitration Committee, of the Public Procurement Arbitration Tribunal (TACOP), and of the Administrative Regulation Forum.
Recognized in the 16º Edition "The Best Lawyers in Spain" for your experience in: Administrative Law, Environmental Law, Land Use and Zoning Law, Planning and Public Finance Law.
Alfredo Fernández Rancaño has contributed to several books, such as “Public Collaboration” (Law Manual for Engineers) published by Editorial La Ley-Iberdrola in 2010 and “La Morosidad del Sector Público” (Late Payment in the Public Sector) published by Aranzadi in 2012. He also regularly contributes to an array of publications such as Expansión. And publications in "Administrative Law Yearbook 2023".