Prawo Pracy



  • Garrigues hires Carolina Camacho as partner to head the labor practice in Colombia

    The firm continues to bolster its Latin American offering with the addition of a new partner, Carolina Camacho, who will take charge of the labor law department in Bogotá.
  • New Financial Shield 2.0 of the Polish Development Fund

    The president has just signed a new Financial Shield to help entrepreneurs most affected by the second wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The call for electronic applications is planned for the second half of January 2021. The amount of aid planned is estimated at PLN 40 billion.
  • Shield 4.0 as the last part of the economic protection system during a pandemic

    On May 20, 2020, the Polish government adopted the fourth and final package of anti-crisis solutions known as "Shield 4.0".
  • Anticrisis Shield 2.0 – Solutions in the labor law area

    The Parliament adopted amendments to the Act on special arrangements for the prevention and combating of COVID-19, other infectious diseases and the resulting emergencies and other acts. The so-called "Anti-Crisis Shield 2.0" was signed by the President and came into force. What changes in labor law are waiting for entrepreneurs?
  • The Polish Act on counteracting COVID-19 entered into force

    On 31 March, 2020 an amendment to the Act on specific solutions related to the preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them, together with other acts (the “Act”) entered into force. 
  • Support for foreigners in the Anti-Crisis Shield

    When developing the Anti-Crisis Shield project, the government also took into account the difficult situation of foreigners staying in Poland during a pandemic and some of the new provisions are intended to make life easier for those who are waiting for a decision on a permit to stay in Poland or cannot return to their country.
  • Labour matters in Anti-Crisis Shield

    The package of the so-called "Anti-Crisis Shield", as announced, includes a number of changes, among others, directly affecting employers and employees, which are to mitigate, at least in part, the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. At present, the Sejm is proceeding with the adoption of acts that make up the "Anti-Crisis Shield".
  • COVID-19: Polish anti-crisis shield

    During the press conference, the President of Poland and the Prime Minister, following the meeting of the Cabinet Council, announced an outline of package of support actions for the society and entrepreneurs referred to as “Anti-crisis Shield”.
  • ZUS introduces facilities for entrepreneurs

    The Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) enables entrepreneurs who, due to the coronavirus epidemic, may have issues with paying their ongoing contributions to take advantage of the possibilities under de minimis public aid.
  • COVID-19: The main issues that can affect your business

    Considering the extraordinary and unpredicted situation related to COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to present you with this informative note drawn up from perspective of Polish law, which contains an indication of the most important issues that cannot be forgotten in running a business today.