Medio ambiente



  • Mexico City's Circular Economy Law enters into force

    On March 1st 2023, Mexico City's Circular Economy Law came into force, which aims to encourage and promote responsible production and consumption habits through reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling.
  • Spain: The steps for preparation of the Preliminary Bill for the Sustainability Reporting Law are officially in motion

    Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation will be responsible for carrying out the transposition of the corporate sustainability reporting directive (CSRD).
  • Spain: This is the Royal Decree that aims to improve air quality and reduce episodes of high pollution

    Royal Decree 34/2023 of January 24, 2023, amending the royal decree on improving air quality, the regulations on industrial emissions and on implementing the Law on integrated pollution prevention and control, and the royal decree on financial guarantees concerning waste, introduces significant environment-related amendments.
  • This is what the Euro 7 standards to reduce pollution from motor vehicles look like

    The text contains the set of rules that establish the limits for each type of vehicle in order to extend the reduction in total emissions by 2035.
  • Spain: Adapting the tax system to challenges facing the green transition

    In the context of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan a range of measures relating to environmental taxes have been approved, notably the creation of a tax on non-reusable plastic packaging and amendment of the tax on fluorinated greenhouse gases. This new tax will come into force on January 1, 2023, whereas the amendment of the tax on fluorinated gases has been in force since September 1, 2022.
  • Spain: The reform of the Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases comes into force

    Law 14/2022 of July 8, 2022, the first final provision of which amends the Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases (IGFEI), was published in the Official State Gazette on July 9, 2022. In addition, the corresponding implementing regulations were published on August 31.
  • How does the Government’s energy efficiency plan affect heating and air conditioning at companies? Questions from the labor point of view

    Post from Garrigues' Labor blog.
  • The new Law on waste and contaminated land for a circular economy: challenges and chances

    Garrigues experts Javier Fernández Rivaya, Victoria Esteban and José María Cobos, and from G-advisory, Máximo Martín, analyze key elements of the new law from legal, tax and technical angles, in a new ‘Garrigues Sustainable Dialogs’ roundtable.
  • Mexican Supreme Court of Justice dismisses Constitutional Controversies on the amendments to the Electricity Industry Law

    The highest tribunal of the country has not analyzed the merits of the cases, considering that there was a lack of legitimate interest.
  • Mexican Chamber of Representatives discarded the constitutional reform in the electricity industry

    The vote on the initiative, which, among other measures, intended to grant a majority and advantageous stake to state-owned companies, failed to reach the super-majority vote of two thirds established by the Federal Constitution.