


Restructuring & Insolvency Newsletter - April 2020 | News and events

Spain - 

Chambers Europe confers highest recognition on the Garrigues Restructuring and Insolvency Department 

For another year running, Garrigues was placed in the top categories for its restructuring and insolvency practice, by being ranked in Band 2 and Band 1. English directory Chambers & Partners highlights an excellent client service and an exceptional level of knowledge demonstrated by our lawyers, along with their flexibility and willingness to go above and beyond in the scope and solution to the matters submitted to them.

Garrigues partners Adrián Thery, Borja García-Alamán and Juan Verdugo were singled out as notable practitioners.


Legal 500 recognizes the excellence of the Garrigues restructuring and insolvency practice

International directory Legal 500 has again ranked the Garrigues restructuring and insolvency practice in the top category in Spain. It highlights our role in restructurings of infrastructure, real estate and energy companies. There is also a special mention to our advice to financial institutions and mutual funds in transactions involving NPLs and REOs.

And it singles out our partners Adrián Thery (Leading individual) and Juan María Jiménez (Next generation partner).


'Global Restructuring Review' includes Garrigues in the top category for its restructuring and insolvency practice

Global Restructuring Review (GRR 100) has commended five of our lawyers with being Names to know in Spain: partners Adrián Thery, Borja García-Alamán, Juan Verdugo and Juan María Jiménez, and principal associate Carlos Lama.


Adrián Thery participates in Fourth Company Law Congress held in Málaga

Adrián Thery spoke at the Fourth Company Law Congress held in Malaga on February 6 and February 7, on the subject of The shareholder’s duty of loyalty, insolvency of the company and exercising the right of withdrawal.


Iván Heredia moderates panel discussion organized by FIDE on real estate collateral

On January 28 a panel discussion was held at FIDE on the subject of The application in Spain of the Aeronautical Protocol to the Capetown Convention: problems and question marks, moderated by Iván Heredia.


Iván Heredia participates in the 'Conference on the future of real estate collateral in a globalized world' organized by the Association of Registrars of Spain and CIDRE

The conference was given by Iván Heredia at the offices of the Association of Registrars of Spain on December 13, 2019 under the title Real estate collateral in the works of UNIDROIT and UNCITRAL. Lessons for Spain (“Las garantías mobiliarias en los trabajos de UNIDROIT y UNCITRAL. Lecciones para España”).


Adrián Thery participates in  panel discussion organized by FIDE on urgent precautionary measures at the time of COVID-19

On April 16 our partner Adrián Thery participated in the panel discussion that took place at FIDE called Very urgent precautionary measures in times of COVID-19.


Farewell Antonio Fernández, former Garrigues partner and pioneer in the field of restructuring and insolvency in Spain

On April 11 COVID-19 took the life of Antonio Fernández, Garrigues partner until 2016 and first director of the Garrigues restructuring and insolvency practice. From 2005 Antonio took this pioneer practice in Spain forward to achieve the creation of the first specialized department among all Spanish law firms. We are deeply sorry to lose him because, besides seeing an extremely valuable professional go, a remarkable person and good friend has left us, whom we will always remember with admiration and fondness. A few of the tributes to Antonio on the media may be read here and here. RIP.