Restructuring & Insolvency Newsletter - January 2021 | News, publications and events
'Global Restructuring Review' includes Garrigues Restructuring and Insolvency practice among the top 100 worldwide
For another year running, the Garrigues Restructuring and Insolvency team features on the GRR 100 list compiled by Global Restructuring Review that recognizes the top 100 law firms in this field. Our clients pinpointed the involvement of our partners in matters, the swiftness and accuracy of our reporting, our well-founded risk assessments and our handling of negotiations with dexterity.
Garrigues launches 'Guide to restructuring tools and insolvency proceedings in Spain, Portugal and Latin America'
The guide provides a concise practical analysis of the current status of the legislation on restructuring and insolvency from a comparative perspective with Anglo Saxon regimes.
Garrigues reports on main trends in NPL transactions in Latin America, Spain and Portugal
The publication describes the main effects of the pandemic in relation to portfolios of non-performing loans (NPLs) or real estate owned assets (REOs) and reports on the market trends.
Adrián Thery and Carlos Lama publish article taking 'A close look at the new Recast Insolvency Law'
The article (Aproximación al nuevo texto refundido de la Ley Concursal) was published in issue 41 of journal enEspaña.
Adrián Thery, Juan Verdugo and Iván Heredia contribute to work containing 'Commentaries on articles in the Recast Insolvency Law'
In this work -led by Juan Ignacio Peinado Gracia and Enrique San Juan y Muñoz- our colleagues analyze the insolvency regime after the Recast Insolvency Law.
Iván Heredia publishes article on 'Arbitration and mediation in Recast Insolvency Law'
The articles analyzes mediation and arbitration from the standpoint of the Recast Insolvency Law.
Andrés Gutiérrez coordinates second edition of 'Comentario al Texto refundido de la Ley Concursal' ('Commentary on the Recast Insolvency Law')
This work -led by professor Juana Pulgar Ezquerra- contains comments by our associate lawyer Andrés Gutiérrez.
Andrés Gutiérrez contributes to work entitled 'La posición del acreedor en el Derecho concursal y preconcursal' ('The creditor’s position in insolvency and pre-insolvency law')
Andrés Gutiérrez contributed to the chapter on Creditors in arrangements. New rules.
Adrián Thery participates in the webinar on 'Refinancing and Restructuring' organized by the Registry of Forensic Economists (REFOR)
In this second session of September 30, 2020 (link to the program) The need of the economist in pre-bankruptcy institutes and in insolvency situations was treated.
Adrián Thery and Jesús Ángel Sánchez Veiga participate in the XIV Meeting of Insolvency Law professionals organized by the Galician Council of Economists
In this session on October 1, 2020 (link to program), The transposition of the new Insolvency Directive and other interesting developments was discussed.
Adrián Thery participates in the online conference 'Towards a New World' organized by INSOL Europe
In the session of October 8, 2020, Adrián Thery chaired the panel entitled Implementation of the Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency (link to session summary).
Borja García-Alamán participates in roundtable on 'Turnaround solutions in an insolvency environment', organized by the Turnaround Management Association
In this session on October 19, 2020 participants discussed the new insolvency legislation, together with the aid available to help businesses to contend with the COVID-19 crisis.
Juan Verdugo participates in sessions at Finance Congress organized by the Madrid regional government in 2020
Juan Verdugo was one of the speakers in the lectures on: Financial management: planning, control and reporting, Managing Credit Risk and Late Payment and Treasury management and optimizing payment and collection methods and processes.
Juan María Jiménez participates in webinar on 'Key points for dealing with restructuring processes: challenges and opportunities in the new context'
This online lecture on October 26 analyzed the key points for success in restructuring processes.
Borja García-Alamán and Juan Verdugo, lecture for course on the Recast Insolvency Law organized by Madrid Bar Association
In December they took a look from a practical perspective at the doubts and certainties raised by the new insolvency law. Borja García-Alamán's presentation focused on the Sale of productive units within the insolvency proceedings while Juan Verdugo dealt with Previous communication of negotiations.
Andrés Gutiérrez takes part in seminar on 'Current insolvency law issues (Spanish law in the Recast Insolvency Law, the special COVID-19 rules and adaptation to European law)'
The seminar organized by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos took place on December 10, 2020. Andrés Gutiérrez gave a talk on Rearrangement and amendment of refinancing agreements (Recast Insolvency Law and COVID 19).