

Publications - Corporate and M&A

  • The Government of Mexico obliges to give priority to passenger rail transport service on currently concessioned tracks to private parties for cargo transport

    Companies holding concession titles will have until January 15, 2024 to submit viable proposals in terms of investment, construction time and modernization of these railroads to provide passenger transport services.

  • The Government of Mexico calls to bid for the procurement of drilling services for geothermal wells in Baja California, Michoacán and Jalisco

    The deadline to submit offers for the five wells located on the two parcels is October 16.

  • Nearshoring: Key issues for companies looking to relocate or expand business in Mexico

    Due to its unique geographic location with respect to the North American, European and Asian markets, as well as its simultaneous integration to global value chains due to international trade and investment treaties such as the USMCA and the CPTPP,…

  • Key differences between traditional M&As and venture capital

    Contracts for mergers and acquisitions mainly look to spread the risk between the buyer and seller and to regulate shareholder relations within the company. The same occurs with venture capital, but the differences between traditional and venture…

  • Transactional elements to be considered in relation to notifications to the competition authorities in Latin America

    In an earlier edition of our Latin American Viewpoints newsletter (see here), we analyzed the main provisions applicable to notification of mergers and acquisitions in Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico.  In this second part, we examine a…

  • Mergers and acquisitions in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru: key points to consider

    In current M&A practice, when talking about transactions of a certain size, it is important to take economic competition factors into account, and a preliminary and important element that especially needs to be considered is what the merger…

  • The fintech industry is making inroads in Latin America with new legislation

    The different jurisdictions in the Latin American region are proposing new regulatory schemes on 'fintech' matters. In this article we analyze the main regulatory trends in Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Brazil.

  • Infrastructure and project finance in Latin America: growth in projects forecast for 2021

    The effects of the pandemic have prompted Latin American governments to adopt measures to promote public-private partnerships (PPPs), public works and privatizations. Garrigues provides an analysis of the situation and trends in the infrastructure…

  • Pro-sandbagging and anti-sandbagging clauses in M&A deals: regulation in Latin America

    When negotiating a corporate merger or acquisition, both buyers and sellers would benefit from agreeing to and contractually specifying their position about sandbagging, which is when a buyer knows that a seller’s representation or warranty is…

  • This is how squeeze-outs of minority shareholders of non-listed companies is regulated in Latin America

    Garrigues analysts look at the current squeeze-out rules for unlisted companies in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

  • Mexico: Communication applications used to provide medical services must respect data protection

    Given the current situation with the global pandemic of COVID-19, the number of health professionals who offer their services through different types of applications and remote means of communication has increased, which could involve the collection…

  • The Mexican Ministry of Energy publishes a new public policy that changes the rules of the game for wind and photovoltaic power plants

    On May 15, the Ministry of Energy of Mexico (SENER) published in the evening edition of the Official Gazette of the Federation an executive order issuing the new Policy towards the Reliability, Safety, Continuity and Quality of the National Electric…