

Publications - Tax

  • Peru: The deadline is approaching for Peruvian consortia, funds and trusts to submit the declaration of ultimate beneficial owner

    Any Peruvian or foreign company or investor who directly or indirectly participates in the results or exercises effective control of the legal arrangement shall take into account the declaration to be made within the first 20 days of July 2024.

  • Latin America kicks off 2023 with new tax reforms on the horizon

    During 2022, the shock of the pandemic began to recede. Following a period in which Latin American governments focused on the delicate balance required to address the sectors hit the hardest by the health crisis without sacrificing fiscal discipline…

  • Currency fluctuations and their impact on corporate taxation in Latin America, a key issue for investment in the region

    In a region long known for volatility in exchange rates, whether or not tax accounting can be kept in foreign currency and how exchange differences are treated for tax purposes are crucial matters for multinationals operating all over the continent…

  • Post-pandemic era brings slew of tax reforms in Latin America in 2021

    After 2020 when Latin American governments, like the rest of the world, focused on tackling the health crisis and economically shoring up the sectors that were hardest hit by the necessary business restrictions, 2021 presented an opportunity to…

  • Software as a Service (SaaS): a challenge posed by highly complex tax rules in a digital and interconnected world

    Software as a Service or SaaS, which allows remote technological support to be offered across borders, raises various questions in tax matters in an interconnected world. In this article, Garrigues tax experts analyze the tax treatment of SaaS in…

  • The importance of tax residence: These are the rules in Latin America, Spain and Portugal

    In this article we describe the factors determining the tax residence of individuals and legal entities or the existence of permanent establishments in the main Latin American countries, and in Spain and Portugal, along with the interpretation…

  • How are indirect sales of companies taxed in Latin American countries?

    The taxation of the so-called “indirect sales” is a huge challenge for companies operating in more than one country.

  • COVID-19: Tax measures implemented by the Peruvian Government in response to the health crisis

    In the context of the current health crisis generated by the spread of COVID-19, the Peruvian Government has issued several fiscal measures, mainly aimed at providing a flexible regulatory scheme for the fulfilment of tax obligations and the…

  • Transfer pricing: here’s what the rules in Latin America look like

    Here is a summary of the transfer pricing rules in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

  • The Peruvian Tax Administration (SUNAT) published a resolution that establishes the procedure, deadlines and conditions for submitting the Ultimate Beneficiary Informative Return

    Legislative Decree No. 1372, whose regulation was approved through Supreme Decree No. 003-2019-EF, established that legal persons and legal arrangements have the obligation to inform SUNAT about the identity of their ultimate beneficiaries.…