

Publications - Administrative and Constitutional Law

  • The Government of Mexico obliges to give priority to passenger rail transport service on currently concessioned tracks to private parties for cargo transport

    Companies holding concession titles will have until January 15, 2024 to submit viable proposals in terms of investment, construction time and modernization of these railroads to provide passenger transport services.

  • Power transmission projects are reactivated in Mexico

    The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) is preparing a project to increase power transmission capacity on the country's west coast and the government of the State of Queretaro announces a power transmission project as a public-private partnership (…

  • The Government of Mexico calls to bid for the procurement of drilling services for geothermal wells in Baja California, Michoacán and Jalisco

    The deadline to submit offers for the five wells located on the two parcels is October 16.

  • Mexico: Legal reform to government procurement policies, oversight of public expenditure, and public tenders for the sale of national goods

    On April 28 th 2023, the Mexican Senate approved a legislative reform granting the Ministry of Public Function (SFP) powers and authority to concentrate the planning, conduction and surveilling of the procurement of goods, services and public works…

  • Mexico: Legislative reform on mining and territorial water concessions

    On April 28, 2023 the Mexican Senate approved a legislative reform that modified the Mining Law, the Territorial Waters Law and other related environmental laws, proposing major changes to the mining and territorial waters concessions regime.

  • Mexico City's Circular Economy Law enters into force

    On March 1st 2023, Mexico City's Circular Economy Law came into force, which aims to encourage and promote responsible production and consumption habits through reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling.

  • The U.S. Government requests consultations with Mexico under USMCA on measures affecting the energy sector

    Following a series of reforms in the Mexican energy sector implemented by the current administration, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) has submitted a request for consultations with the Mexican government pursuant to…

  • Counter-reform of Mexican electricity system in the spotlight: state of play

    The electricity system has been a big focus point in Mexico in recent years and is now attracting attention after the government’s attempt to implement changes (particularly the sought constitutional reform). This article describes the state…

  • Circular economy: what is it and how could it benefit Latin America?

    The circular economy presents itself as an alternative to the current production and consumption model. It is built around the aim to decouple economic activity from consumption of finite resources and to transition to the use of renewable energy…

  • Social infrastructure in Latin America - present and future

    Social infrastructure projects are booming in Latin America. Certain innovative tools such as public-private associations (or alliances) are becoming more relevant as an increasingly attractive option to materialize such projects, by guaranteeing…

  • Mexican Supreme Court of Justice dismisses Constitutional Controversies on the amendments to the Electricity Industry Law

    The highest tribunal of the country has not analyzed the merits of the cases, considering that there was a lack of legitimate interest.

  • Mexican Chamber of Representatives discarded the constitutional reform in the electricity industry

    The vote on the initiative, which, among other measures, intended to grant a majority and advantageous stake to state-owned companies, failed to reach the super-majority vote of two thirds established by the Federal Constitution.