+34 91 514 52 00
Registered lawyer nº 50138
I. Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid
Félix Plaza is a partner in Garrigues’ Tax Department, where he practices in the areas of Tax Law and Sports Law. He manages the Garrigues Sports & Entertainment Department, providing advice to relevant entities and institutions operating in this industry in Spain and internationally. He has a wealth of experience in advising on the organization and holding of large sporting and cultural events. He holds a Degree in Law from Universidad San Pablo CEU de Madrid and a Master’s Degree in Tax Practice from Centro de Estudios Financieros. He is a member of the Madrid Bar Association and a TAS/CAS arbitrator. He has been highlighted by myriad international directories such as Chambers & Partners, Best Lawyers or Who’s Who. He is the chairman of the Centro de Estudios Garrigues Business & Law School.
Félix Plaza is partner of the Tax Department of Garrigues, where he has pursued his professional career after a stint at Arthur Andersen. He specializes in Tax Law, particularly in the audiovisual, media and distribution sectors, where he advises major national and international companies.
In addition, he is an expert in Sports Law and the head of the Sports and Entertainment Law Department (Garrigues Sports & Entertainment), specializing in advisory services for people and entities operating in that sector.
In this context, Felix regularly participates in transactions for investment and fundraising, advising national and international investment funds, financial institutions, clubs, leagues, federations, sports sponsors, artists and sportspersons.
He has extensive experience in advising on the planning and organization of large sporting and cultural events. In this field, he has provided advice, among others, to the Solheim Cup, the LFP World Challenge – 85th Anniversary of the League; to the Spanish Royal Golf Federation on its bid to host Ryder Cup 2018, to the various Olympic Offices set up to develop Madrid’s bid to host the Olympic Games and to the city of Madrid in its participation in the 2010 Universal Exposition of Shanghai.
He has been highlighted by various international directories, including Chambers & Partners, Best Lawyers and Who’s Who, as a notable practitioner in the area of Sports Law.
Félix is an arbitrator of TAS/CAS.
He is also the president of the law and business school Centro de Estudios Garrigues, where he was the director from 2017 to 2019.
He is the director of the Executive Immersion Program in Sports Management (SBA) and director of the MBA in Sports, Business & Law at Centro de Estudios Garrigues, a lecturer on the Executive Master’s in International Taxation at Centro de Estudios Garrigues, where he teaches a specific section on international taxation of artists and sportspersons, and a lecturer on the Master’s in Tax Practice at Centro de Estudios Garrigues.
He is a regular speaker at seminars and conferences.
He is a member of the Madrid Bar Association.
Academic background
Degree in Law, Centro Universitario San Pablo CEU (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
Master’s in Taxation and Tax Advisory, Centro de Estudios Financieros.
- Coauthor of "El derecho a la verdad: perspectivas y regulación” (The Right to the Truth: Viewpoints and Regulation), published by Tirant Lo Blanch in 2021.
- Coauthor of the book “Derecho Deportivo. Una radiografía en sus aspectos más cruciales” (Sports Law. An X-Ray of Its Most Crucial Aspects), published by Nueva Economía Social in 2018.
- Coauthor of the monograph “Un nuevo marco jurídico para el deporte” (A New Legal Framework for Sports), published by Thomson Reuters Aranzadi in 2017.
- Coauthor of the chapter on Cooperation Agreements of the work “Fiscalidad del Mecenazgo” (Tax Treatment of Patronage) published by Fundación Impuestos y Competitividad in 2017.
- Coauthor of the chapter “Régimen fiscal de las otras formas de mecenazgo distintas a las donaciones y aportaciones” (Tax Treatment of Forms of Patronage Other Than Gifts and Contributions) in “Nuevo Tratado de Fundaciones” (New Treaty on Foundations), published by Thomson Reuters in 2016.
- Coauthor of the book “Régimen Tributario del Deporte” (Tax Regime for Sports) published by Thomson Reuters in 2013.
- Coordinator and author of the book “Fiscalidad Internacional de los Deportistas” (Global Guide to Tax for Sportspeople) published in a bilingual edition by Thomson Aranzadi in 2010.
- Coordinator and author of the book "Tax Guide on Sportsperson Taxation in Certain Relevant Jurisdictions" published by Thompson Aranzadi in 2008.
- Coauthor of the book “El Derecho deportivo en España 1975-2005” (Sports Law in Spain 1975-2005), published by the Department of Tourism, Trade and Sports of the Andalucía Regional Government in 2005.