


  • Portugal: State Budget for 2023 – Employment and Social Security matters

    The State Budget for 2023 was published in the official gazette.

  • Portugal: Average value of construction per square meter for IMI purposes to be in force in 2023

    Em 2023, o valor médio de construção por metro quadrado para efeitos do Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis passa de EUR 512 para EUR 532, de acordo com a Portaria n.º 7-A/2023, de 3 de janeiro, recentemente publicada.

  • Portugal: The application process for the Compromisso Emprego Mais Sustentável measure is extended up until March 2023

    The deadline for submitting applications to the Compromisso Emprego Sustentável measure was extended up until March 31, 2023.

  • Portugal: New measures of flexibilization of tax obligations compliance

    New measures to facilitate tax obligations compliance were approved through Decree-Law no. 85/2022, of December 21.

  • The minimum wage in Portugal increases to 760 euros in 2023

    It was published in the official gazette the Decree-Law no. 85-A/2022, of 22 December, ruling the increase of the minimum monthly wage to € 760,00, with effects from January 1, 2023, onwards.

  • 4-day work week: Introduction of pilot programme in Portugal

    Ordinance no. 301/2022, of 20 December, was published in the Official Gazette, laying down the terms in which the pilot programme "Four-Day Week" is to be developed. This program aims to introduce, on an experimental basis, a reduction of…

  • Portugal: Communication of invoices and inventories and invoices issued in PDF: extension of deadlines in 2023

    The Government approved, through Dispatch n.º 8/2022-XXIII, of 13 December, from the SEAF, a new flexibility of the tax calendar concerning the compliance in 2023 of certain tax obligations on invoicing, in particular regarding the…

  • Portugal: Salaries and meal allowance increase for civil servants

    Decree-Law no. 280/2022, of 16 December, was published in the Official Gazette, introducing salary increases for civil servants.

  • Portugal: Indexing reference for social aid is updated for 2023

    It was published in the official gazette Ordinance no. 298/2022, of December 16, updating the value of the indexing reference for social aid (IAS) in 483.80 € for the year of 2023.

  • Portugal: Amendments to the ATIVAR.PT Internships program

    Ordinance no. 293/2022, of 12 December, was published in the Official Gazette, introducing amendments to the ATIVAR.PT Internships Program. This program aims to support the integration of young people into the labour market or the professional…

  • Portugal: retirement age remains at 66 years and 4 months in 2024

    Ordinance no. 292/2022, of December 9th, was published in the Official Gazette, keeping the standard age to access retirement pension in Portuguese general social security system in 66 years and 4 months in 2024.

  • Portugal: Approved the withholding tax rates applicable in 2023

    The withholding tax rates applicable to employment income (category A) and pensions (category H), obtained by the resident taxpayers in mainland Portugal, during the first and the second semester of 2023, were approved by Order no. º 14043-A/…