

Publications - Tax

  • The Mexican Government publishes the calls for public tenders for the concession of five Development Poles in the Interoceanic Corridor of the Tehuantepec Isthmus

    Interested parties must send to the CIIT from June 26 to 30, 2023 a pre-registration form, a no conflict of interest form, and a document evidencing experience and capacity in the operation and maintenance of industrial plants in the productive…

  • The Mexican Government will grant tax incentives for companies that decide to establish or relocate their facilities in the Interoceanic Corridor of the Tehuantepec Isthmus

    Such incentives, which will be available once the Federal Government publishes the tender guidelines for the granting of concessions for the development of the Development Poles, will support companies investing in the region. Below the details of…

  • Latin America kicks off 2023 with new tax reforms on the horizon

    During 2022, the shock of the pandemic began to recede. Following a period in which Latin American governments focused on the delicate balance required to address the sectors hit the hardest by the health crisis without sacrificing fiscal discipline…

  • Nearshoring: Key issues for companies looking to relocate or expand business in Mexico

    Due to its unique geographic location with respect to the North American, European and Asian markets, as well as its simultaneous integration to global value chains due to international trade and investment treaties such as the USMCA and the CPTPP,…

  • Currency fluctuations and their impact on corporate taxation in Latin America, a key issue for investment in the region

    In a region long known for volatility in exchange rates, whether or not tax accounting can be kept in foreign currency and how exchange differences are treated for tax purposes are crucial matters for multinationals operating all over the continent…

  • Post-pandemic era brings slew of tax reforms in Latin America in 2021

    After 2020 when Latin American governments, like the rest of the world, focused on tackling the health crisis and economically shoring up the sectors that were hardest hit by the necessary business restrictions, 2021 presented an opportunity to…

  • Software as a Service (SaaS): a challenge posed by highly complex tax rules in a digital and interconnected world

    Software as a Service or SaaS, which allows remote technological support to be offered across borders, raises various questions in tax matters in an interconnected world. In this article, Garrigues tax experts analyze the tax treatment of SaaS in…

  • The importance of tax residence: These are the rules in Latin America, Spain and Portugal

    In this article we describe the factors determining the tax residence of individuals and legal entities or the existence of permanent establishments in the main Latin American countries, and in Spain and Portugal, along with the interpretation…

  • Mexico: Legislative initiative to ban labor outsourcing is postponed

    Given the relevance of the amendment and the great impact it may have from a fiscal, labor and social security point of view, the Mexican President has requested to the Congress that the analysis and discussion of the law initiative be postponed…

  • How are indirect sales of companies taxed in Latin American countries?

    The taxation of the so-called “indirect sales” is a huge challenge for companies operating in more than one country.

  • COVID-19: The Ministry of Communications and Transportation of Mexico specifies the essential activities

    The Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT) has published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOF) a ruling specifying the essential activities competence of the STC. This is in connection with the ruling published by the Ministry of Health…

  • Transfer pricing: here’s what the rules in Latin America look like

    Here is a summary of the transfer pricing rules in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.