


The Spanish law firm with the best reputation

Garrigues ranked 43ª in overall MERCO 2012 corporate reputation ranking and leadersAbre ventana nueva. The perception of the firm the different external audiences to which the publication consulted systematically returns to improve this year, rising six posts in relation to the year (49 °).


Almost 19,000 individuals were interviewed, taking in corporate and institutional managers, economic analysts, representatives from foundations and labor unions, journalists and communication specialists, corporate social responsibility experts and the public at large. And this is precisely where the value of these results lies: these are the people who view Garrigues in an ever more favorable light.

Starting this year, the results of the Merco will be revealed to the public in the guise of the 'ABC-Merco' Awards, since the broadsheet has decided to sponsor the awards and give them widespread exposure via the Vocento Group’s extensive network of newspapers and digital media, with a total Sunday readership comfortably topping the three million-mark.

Taking pole position are Inditex, Mercadona and Repsol, in that order. For the third year running, Garrigues continues to be the only law firm to make the top 100 of Spain’s most reputable companies, with companies vying with each other regardless of their size or the industry in which they do business.

Chairman Antonio Garrigues once again made the Merco Leaders list, this time claiming 26th spot, a rise of four places on 2011 (ranked 30th). The top honors in this category went to Emilio Botín, Amancio Ortega and Juan Roig.

This year has seen Merco unveil a new category for 'The most responsible companies', with the Firm placing 59th, which, bearing in mind the profile of law firms in the field of CSR, is also worthy of note and bears witness to the Firm’s efforts and commitment in this area. As you all know, Garrigues is the only major player in the legal arena to release an annual CSR report, which this month celebrates its sixth edition. CaixaBank, Iberdrola and Mercadona took the top three spots.

Given that a company’s reputation is the result of the work of each and every employee and benefits them all, all that remains for us here at InterNOS is to commend your collective efforts and to congratulate you on the results.