


Garrigues billings hit the 296.8 million mark in 2008

The Partners' Meeting, the Firm's senior governing body, approves the appointment of 39 new partners and the integration of professionals from the law firm Lloréns

At the interim close of the 2008 fiscal year (from September 1, 2007, to August 31, 2008) Garrigues reported revenues from professional fees of €296.8 million, according to the data submitted to the Partners’ Meeting held in Madrid. This figure represents an increase of 38.2 million on the 2007 billings (€258.6 million) and a percentage increase of 14.8%.

At the interim close of the 2008 fiscal year (from September 1, 2007, to August 31, 2008) Garrigues reported revenues from professional fees of €296.8 million, according to the data submitted to the Partners’ Meeting held in Madrid. This figure represents an increase of 38.2 million on the 2007 billings (€258.6 million) and a percentage increase of 14.8%.

The Partners’ Meeting ratified the integration as from November 1, 2008, of the professional team of Lloréns, a law firm founded by César Llorens with a notable presence in the Canary Islands. The agreement entails the incorporation of 33 professionals into the Firm’s structure, of whom 26 will provide their services in the Canary Islands.

The Meeting rubber-stamped the appointment of 39 new partners. The Firm's senior governing body now comprises 269 members. The new partners, their practice areas and corresponding offices are as follows:

La Coruña: Jesús Andujar (Tax).
Alicante: Juan Antonio Pacheco (Tax) and Gonzalo Martín (Corporate/Commercial).
Badajoz: Matías Martínez-Pereda (Public Law).
Barcelona: Sandra Royo (Tax), Miguel Ángel Salas (Labor and Employment), Carlos Salinas (Corporate/Commercial), Enric Carulla (Litigation) and Mayte Cuberta (Litigation).
Bucharest: Mihai Mares (Corporate/Commercial).
Granada: José Pedro Fernández-Casas (Tax).
Lisbon: Mario Lino Dias (Corporate/Commercial), Paulo Nuncio (Tax), João Rosado (Public Law).
Madrid: Jorge Aguirregomezcorta (Public Law), Vicente Bootello (Tax), José Fernández-Rañada (Corporate/Commercial), Borja García-Alamán (Litigation), Braulio Molina (Labor and Employment), Héctor Muñoz (Corporate/Commercial specializing in Real Estate), Gonzalo Rivera (Corporate/Commercial), Francisco Manuel Serrano (Litigation), Ramón López de Haro (Tax), Miguel Ángel Loya (Public Law), João Paulo Miranda (IP) and Jesús de la Morena (Environmental Consulting).
Málaga: Irene González (Tax).
New York: Pedro Saavedra (Tax).
Oviedo: Carlos García Barcala (Labor and Employment).
Seville: Alicia Ruiz de Castro (Public Law).
Valladolid: Miguel Costales (Litigation) and Jesús Esparrels (Tax).
Warsaw: Carlos Rapallo (Corporate/Commercial).
Vitoria: Aitor Ruiz de Alegría (Tax).

As a result of the integration of Lloréns, a further five partners will join the Firm.
 - Juan Manuel Llorens (Litigation). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
 - Manuel Betancor (Maritime Law). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
- María José Ramo (Labor and Employment). Madrid.
- Leopoldo Cologan (Litigation). Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
- Carlos Pinilla (Labor and Employment). Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Garrigues is the foremost Iberian law firm, both in terms of volume of business and number of professionals, with 2,137 professionals currently practicing (269 partners; 567 associates; 432 senior lawyers and 869 junior lawyers). The total headcount at Garrigues, administration and internal services personnel included, has now hit the 2,700-mark. The Firm also boasts a 27-strong office network in Spain and Portugal, with another 7 international offices in New York, Brussels, Shanghai, Casablanca, Warsaw, London and Bucharest.