


Affinitas welcomes two new members in Chile and Colombia

The Latin American Alliance of Lawyers promoted by Garrigues will be operating from 35 offices in 10 countrie

(26/09/2005) Affinitas –the Latin American Alliance of Lawyers promoted by Garrigues which also include the law firms Bruchou, Fernández Madero, Lombardi & Mitrani (Argentina), Barbosa, Müssnich & Aragão Advogados (Brazil), Mijares, Angoitia, Cortés y Fuentes S.C. (Mexico) and Garrigues, Leónidas, Matos (Portugal)– has approved the inclusion of two new members in its international network. The new members are Barros & Errázuriz, in Chile, and Gómez-Pinzón Linares Samper Suárez Villamil (Colombia).

The decision was made by the Managing Committee of Affinitas, assembled since yesterday in U.S.A. The Committee, on which the two new law firms are already represented, also approved its secondments program (professional exchange of professionals among firms), and several measures to promote mutual knowledge of the member firms, unify procedures, share tools and homogenize the professional practice to the maximum extent. All with a view to providing the clients they have in common with an equal service as regards professional rigueur and quality, regardless of the company from which the services are provided.

The Chilean law firm Barros&Errázuriz was founded in 1988 by Fernando Barros and José Tomás Errázuriz. It currently has 37 professionals, 7 of whom are partners. It has a large number of clients, both local and foreign, and is considered to be one of the most prestigious law firms in Chile. Its professionals are renowned in various fields of Law: Commercial, Financial, Antitrust, Real Estate, Tax, Environmental, Telecommunications, Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods.

Gómez-Pinzón, with offices in Bogota and Medellin, has a highly qualified group of professionals (34 at present) making it one of the most prominent and well-positioned law firms in Colombia. It specializes in the following areas of practice: M&A, Financing & Capital Markets, International Investments, General Practice, Tax Law, Foreign Trade, Energy, Hydrocarbons & Mining, Litigation and Arbitration and Intellectual Property.

Affinitas was organized on February 4, 2004, and, since then, its member firms have experienced notable and constant structural growth. Affinitas has today more than 1,900 professionals, operating from 35 offices in 10 countries. New Latin American firms and new international offices in Shangai (China) and Casablanca (morocco), both of Garrigues, are expected to join shortly.