

Publications - EU and Antitrust Law

  • Scania & Others/European Comission: the ‘Hybrid procedure and the rights of defense guarantee

    What are the consequences of a settlement procedure where all the companies reach agreement with the authority conducting the investigation phase except one? Could the latter be harmed by not reaching an agreement? How does the principle of…

  • Mergers and acquisitions in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru: key points to consider

    In current M&A practice, when talking about transactions of a certain size, it is important to take economic competition factors into account, and a preliminary and important element that especially needs to be considered is what the merger…

  • Red lines in cooperation agreements between competitors in Colombia

    Companies competing in the same market must analyze whether a possible alliance between them is in compliance with the country’s antitrust legislation. To do so, they should bear a number of factors in mind which could be anti-competitive or…

  • Peru: Indecopi approves Guidelines for the Calculation of Notification Thresholds under the Merger Law

    The Antitrust Commission of Indecopi (AC) has approved the final version of the Guidelines for the Calculation of Notification Thresholds, through Resolution 022-2021/CLC-INDECOPI published on June 1, 2021, as part of the implementation of the…

  • Peru: Indecopi publishes the draft Guidelines to calculate the notification thresholds for concentration operations

    The Technical Secretariat of the Indecopi Antitrust Commission will receive comments on the project until next Monday, March 22.

  • Peru: The Regulation of the new Merger Control Law has been officially published

    On march 4th 2021, Supreme Decree 039-2021-PCM which approves the Regulation of Law Nº 31112 – the Merger Control Law, was published on the Peruvian Official Gazette. Through the Regulation, important clarifications are made on…

  • Perú: The new merger control law has been officially published

    The Peruvian Congress has published Law Nº 31112 in the official gazette, establishing merger control in Peru and substituting Urgent Decree Nº 013-2019, the previous bill which had been issued by Executive Power as the first merger…

  • Digital Markets Act: The European Commission proposes the creation of new rules aimed at large platforms

    Together with the proposal for a Digital Services Act (see here), the European Commission has proposed a new regulatory regime applicable to certain platforms that provide digital services (Digital Markets Act, or DMA). The approval of these…

  • Digital Services Act: The European Commission proposes a new regulatory framework for the Internet

    The European Commission has just published its proposal to regulate digital services in two texts which even it considers ambitious: the Proposal for a Regulation on Digital Markets (analyzed here) and the  Proposal on a…

  • Cross-border bank mergers in Europe (II): The unique peculiar features of the law in each country

    Keeping our legal sight on the obstacles or difficulties for cross-border mergers which we started looking at in the previous article in this series, we cannot overlook that the laws of every state retain their own peculiar characteristics, a…

  • Cross-border bank mergers in Europe (I): Why are they not here yet?

    There has been much talk about cross-border bank mergers in Europe, but so far none have happened or appear to be imminent. A few years ago Garrigues recommended that banks watch out for them in the future. Now the European supervisors are…

  • COVID-19: Economic Support Facility – Questions and Answers

    In late March and early April, the European Commission ("EC") approved two state aid packages for Portugal, within the framework of Article 107 (3) (b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), namely decisions SA.…