

Publications - Dispute Resolution: Litigation and Arbitration

  • Impact of COVID-19 on International Arbitration: Chinese arbitral institutions work to keep proceedings running

    Despite uncertainties on arbitration regulations in China, the countrie´s arbitral institutions push to offer the best alternatives to adapt to the “new normal”.

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - May 2020

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | May 18 and May 31

    New guarantee facility, extension of ERTE temporary layoff procedures, effects of the crisis on transfer pricing, return to judicial activity and ‘shields’ for businesses.

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | Week between May 11 and May 17

    Phase 1 of the ‘scaling-down’ process, third tranche of guarantees, extension of ERTE temporary layoffs, potential delay in the application of VAT directives and of DAC6, and measures to support the cultural sector

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | Week between May 4 and May 10

    Reopening to the public of establishments, effects of RDL 16/2020 on procedural, insolvency and tax matters, labor measures in preparation for de-escalation and news on administrative procedures

  • COVID-19: Publication of royal decree-law mapping steps to be followed in justice system procedures

    We analyze Royal Decree-Law 16/2020, of April 28, 2020, published in the April 29 edition of the Official State Gazette (BOE), adopting procedural and organizational measures to confront COVID-19 (RDL 16/2020). And entering into force on April 30,…

  • COVID-19 Special Newsletter - Spain | Week between April 27 and May 3 2020

    Critical plans for a return to activity, taxes on the renegotiation of loans, notification of judicial decisions, and doubts regarding leases

  • The effects of COVID-19 on international arbitration in Latin America

    International arbitrations are not associated with any particular jurisdiction, and in Latin America and elsewhere, most arbitral institutions keep handling arbitral proceedings and enabling them to continue, despite COVID-19, by using available…

  • COVID-19: These are the additional urgent measures introduced by Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 to support the economy and employment

    We analyze from the standpoint of corporate law/commercial contracts, labor, tax, litigation and administrative law, the main new legislation introduced by Royal Decree-Law 15/2020, of April 21, 2020, adopting additional urgent measures to support…

  • COVID-19: Main legislative or regulatory initiatives that have been taken in Portugal

    Pandemic has entered the world’s daily vocabulary in the most dramatic and unexpected way. As the severity of the situation worsens, a growing number of legislative initiatives attempt to address the needs of citizens and society in the face…

  • COVID-19: New exceptional and temporary measures were approved for the Portuguese Justice and Courts regarding the procedure for the service of documents

    Law No 10/2020 of 18 April 2020 enacted an exceptional and temporary legal framework concerning (i) the procedure for the service of judicial documents by post provided for in the procedural laws and (ii) the parcel services, in view of…

  • COVID-19: Foreign investments, deferral of taxes, return-to-work plans and shake-up plan for the courts

    For another week running, Garrigues examines the key legal issues that companies should be aware of to continue forward in the current context.