

Publications - ESG

  • Garrigues Sustainable Newsletter - January 2024

    In this newsletter we compile the most relevant legal news on ESG matters in Spain, published by Garrigues.

  • Reflecting sustainability criteria in pay is key to achieving ESG goals

    An increasing number of companies are taking sustainability criteria into consideration not only in executive and director pay, but also in the pay of their staff as a whole, in order to better achieve their ESG goals. We addressed this dynamic in…

  • The European Parliament approves the Directive on Greenwashing

    The new European regulation, which aims to prevent unfair commercial practices, will have to continue its process before the Council of the EU for its final approval and its subsequent publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

  • Spain: The update of the National Air Pollution Control Programme 2023-2030 is approved

    The document, which affects various economic sectors, sets a series of emission reduction targets for 2030.

  • Spain: The processing of the Draft Law on the Prevention of Food Loss and Waste is resumed

    The law, which proposes new requirements for all actors in the food chain, aims to encourage the efficient use of food and promote good practices.

  • Spain: Publication of the Bill for an organic law on equal representation and a balanced presence of women and men

    This proposal transposes into Spanish law the European directive on improving the gender balance among directors of listed companies and related measures, although it is more demanding in its scope than the provisions in the EU act.

  • 2024: main new legislation needing to be considered by companies in Spain

    Professionals in the various practice areas at Garrigues take a look, from all angles of business law, at the main new legislation that companies will face in the coming year.

  • OJEU publishes the first set of sustainability reporting standards (ESRS)

    They will apply for fiscal years starting on or after January 1, 2024.

  • Takeaways from COP28 from a European perspective

    Following the conclusion of the Climate Summit, we analyze the agreements reached and the challenges that the goals it set raise at the European level, in a new edition of 'Garrigues Sustainable dialogs'.

  • The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, a step closer to final approval

    The Council and the European Parliament have reached a provisional agreement on the future directive on corporate sustainability due diligence.

  • The proposed corporate sustainability due diligence directive: a huge challenge that companies need to be prepared for

    Coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the legislation being prepared by the European Union in this area and, more specifically, the proposal for a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence, has…

  • Colombia: Companies must elaborate and file corporate sustainability reports that reveals the reality of their corporate practices

    The Superintendence of Companies has issued administrative recommendations for the submission of corporate sustainability reports that certain entities must prepare.