


Financial Times and Mergermarket name Garrigues “Iberian Law Firm of the Year” for mergers and acquisitions

Garrigues has been named “Iberian Law Firm of the Year” for mergers and acquisitions at the M&A Awards, inaugurated this year by the Financial Times newspaper and Mergermarket. This new recognition as the leading firm on the Iberian Peninsula follows the Firm’s achievements just one month ago at the Chambers Global Awards hosted by Chambers&Partners.

Garrigues has been named “Iberian Law Firm of the Year” for mergers and acquisitions at the M&A Awards, inaugurated this year by the Financial Times newspaper and Mergermarket. This new recognition as the leading firm on the Iberian Peninsula follows the Firm’s achievements just one month ago at the Chambers Global AwardsAbre ventana nueva hosted by Chambers&Partners.

The award panel, made up of experts from the legal and financial sector and from the media world, highly rated the advisory services provided by Garrigues over the last year in the area of mergers and acquisitions. Factors such as the value of the transactions, the complexity of their structure and negotiation, the different jurisdictions involved and the innovative nature of the work were taken into account.

Garrigues currently boasts a large team of professionals with over 300 lawyers in M&A area which, together with the department’s multidisciplinary nature and its expertise, allows the Firm to operate across a wide range of industries such as energy, telecommunications, banking, insurance and biotechnology. Fernando Vives, the partner in charge of the Corporate/Commercial Department and Mergers and Acquisitions Department of Garrigues, expressed his appreciation at receiving the award, stating: “This award recognizes of the wonderful work done by all professionals in the department and the support they receive from the Firm as a whole.”

Garrigues’ nomination also included other complementary aspects that garnered plaudits from the panel. In particular, the Firm’s strong positioning in the Iberian market and its widespread international expansion, with six offices across the U.S., Europe, Africa and Asia were singled out for praise.