


The alliance of independent tax advisors 'Taxand' welcomes eight additional firms

Fifteen months after creation, the alliance is present in 30 countries in 4 continents, with 1,500 professionals out of which 259 are partners

Taxand Global Alliance, the first international network of independent tax firms to which Garrigues belongs to and is a founding member, has welcomed 8 new firms, expanding its presence to 30 countries only 15 months after its launch in March 2005. The rapid expansion reflects the increasing demand from global companies for independent tax advice from professionals who have no audit-based conflicts of interests.

Taxand Global Alliance, the first international network of independent tax firms to which Garrigues belongs to and is a founding member, has welcomed 8 new firms, expanding its presence to 30 countries only 15 months after its launch in March 2005. The rapid expansion reflects the increasing demand from global companies for independent tax advice from professionals who have no audit-based conflicts of interests.

One of the new members is Garrigues, Leónidas, Matos, S.C. that as from January 2006 added a tax practice to its activities by taking on Fernando Castro Silva as partner and his entire team of professionals.

Taxand is now present in 30 countries in 4 continents and  includes 1,500 tax professionals with 259 international tax partners.

"Taxand's remarkable growth has exceeded our highest expectations," said Frederic Donnediu de Vabres who coordinates Taxand globally. "Taxand is becoming a key provider of global tax services that cannot be ignored. Today, Taxand member firms work together to provide global companies with international tax services, including tax planning for cross-border transactions and tax litigation support. Our success is a testament to the quality of our professionals and our strategic model."

"Taxand is truly "global". Not only do we have a close relationship with clients in our local country and deep understanding of their culture and needs, but we also offer seamless global tax services demanded by multinational companies", explains Ricardo Gómez, Partner and National Coordinator of the Garrigues Tax Practice. "Taxand is quickly becoming the leading network for Global tax services", Frederic Donnedieu de Vabres concludes.
Taxand's newst member firms include: Gowling Lafleur Henderson, LLP (Canada); Hendersen Consulting (China); Eurofast (Cyprus);  Selmer,(Norway); TaxHouse, (Romania); Garrigues, Leonidas, Matos, (Portugal); Gómez-Pinzón Linares Samper Suárez Villamil, (Colombia), and Miranda & Amado, (Peru). Both the Colombia and Peru firms as well as Garrigues, Leónidas, Matos in Portugal are members of Affinitas the Latin American alliance promoted by Garrigues.