+51 1 399 2600
Franco Muschi is partner of the Labor Department at Garrigues, where he leads the practice of the labour department. He also provides advice on social security matters, health and safety at workplace policies, collective bargaining agreements, immigration and data privacy.
He usually leads legal strategies and complex judicial controversies, and provides advice on collective agreements, with specific experience in the financial sector, mining, industries and tec companies. Is an expert in litigation and has long experience acting as lawyer in court proceedings before all the Labour judicial and administrative bodies
Degree in Law and Political Sciences at Universidad de Lima and LL.M. by Centro de Estudios Garrigues. His professional practice is frequently recognized by Chambers & Partners and Leaders League.
Prior to Garrigues, he was an associate at Payet, Rey, Cauvi labor department (2004 – 2014) with an international secondment at Uría Menendez (Madrid, 2009).
He is an expert advising Peruvian and foreign companies related with hiring schemes, salary and compensation structures, complex termination procedures of national and foreign employees, health and safety at workplace policies, and labor matters related with corporate transactions as M&A and other reorganization and outsourcing procedures.
As an important aspect of his professional practice, he frequently represents clients on labour controversies before administrative and judicial authorities.
Academic background
- Degree in Law Summa Cum Laude by Universidad de Lima (Lima - Perú, 2004).
- LLM by Centro de Estudios Garrigues and Universidad Antonio Nebrija (Madrid - España, 2011).
Teaching activity
Professor at ESAN Business School (Derecho Laboral)
Lima Bar Association
- Chambers 2022. Band 5.
- Leaders League. Ranked lawyer.
He frequently publishes at Semana Económica, Gestión, El Comercio y La República. He also appears at radio and TV providing advice on relevant labour matters.
Among recent publications, we would like to highlight the following:
- "Desvistiendo la contratación precaria: comentarios al auto calificatorio del Recurso de Casación N° 7647-2014-TACNA" (https://ius360.com/author/franco-muschi-loayza-y-maria-ines-rossell-tud…)
- "Constitucionalidad del arbitraje potestativo en materia de negociación colectiva"; RAE Jurisprudencia, Agosto 2013.
- "El fútbol profesional peruano y los procedimientos de suspensión perfecta"; Revista Aranzadi de derecho de deporte y entretenimiento, ISSN 2171-5556, Nº. 68, 2020,
- "¿Qué derechos tienen los colaboradores de las empresas que cierran durante la pandemia?" (https://www.esan.edu.pe/conexion-esan/que-derechos-tienen-los-colaborad…).