


  • COVID-19: possibility of obtaining deferral (or even remittance) of tax liabilities

    The announcement of an epidemiological emergency on the territory of Poland prompted the Polish government to develop special solutions to support the economy. 

  • COVID-19: Polish anti-crisis shield

    During the press conference, the President of Poland and the Prime Minister, following the meeting of the Cabinet Council, announced an outline of package of support actions for the society and entrepreneurs referred to as “Anti-crisis Shield…

  • NBP and RPP actions related to the worsening situation of Polish enterprises

    The National Bank of Poland (NBP) and the Monetary Policy Council (MPC) reacted to the worsening situation of enterprises, the risk of loss of liquidity and the emergence of extraordinary needs of the state budget in connection with the epidemic.

  • ZUS introduces facilities for entrepreneurs

    The Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) enables entrepreneurs who, due to the coronavirus epidemic, may have issues with paying their ongoing contributions to take advantage of the possibilities under de minimis public aid.

  • Poland implements new rules for making payments to VAT taxpayers

    Starting from November 1st 2019, Poland has implemented new rules for making payments to VAT taxpayers under which in particular cases the amount of VAT must be paid to the separate bank account of the supplier (so called split-payment). The…

  • New withholding tax (WHT) procedures in Poland

    As of 1 July 2019, additional requirements will take effect for an exemption or preferential rate for withholding tax. The newly introduced formal requirements could mean an increase in costs of services purchased in cross-border transactions, which…

  • Changes in Polish transfer pricing regulations in 2019

    As of January 1, 2019, several amendments to Polish tax law are expected. Transfer pricing is subject to a number of new regulations which will apply to profits (losses) earned starting on January 1, 2019. The details of those amendments are as…

  • Will the Prague Rules on the taking of evidence change anything in International Arbitration?

  • A new Act is to come into force on 14 June on Support for New Investments (creating the “Polish Investment Zone”) under which it will be possible to recover a major portion of outlays incurred for new investments (up to 70%)

    The newly introduced support is CIT relief granted for a period of between 10 and 15 years, constitutes state aid, and is classified as regional aid. 

  • The new rules for the preparation and submission of financial statements

    Since 15 March 2018, financial statements can only be submitted to registry courts in electronic form. During the transitional period from 15 March to 30 September 2018, it will still be possible to submit scans of the paper versions of the…

  • New obligations under the proposed act on openness in public life

    The Act on Openness in Public Life, which is currently being prepared, entails many changes that are sure to be important for many enterprises. There are three main areas in which the proposed act will have a direct effect on the operation of…

  • Most likely as of 1 January 2018 changes will come into force putting an end to taxpayers’ freedom to proceed with VAT specified on an issued invoice as they will

    This is due to plans to introduce a VAT split payment model. The introduction of the new legislation will also lead to other changes with regard to VAT, so it would be advisable to begin preparing for the enactment of the new legislation now.