

Publications - Dispute Resolution: Litigation and Arbitration

  • Towards a common response to COVID-19 from the arbitration world: A call to arms

    The stakeholders in international arbitration (arbitral institutions, tribunals, counsel and parties) have responded to the difficulties and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic by forging a closer cooperation  to provide a common response to…

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - June 2020

  • COVID-19: Procedural and court deadlines cease to be suspended

    On May 16, 2020 a new anti-crisis shield 3.0. entered into force. One of the most important amendments introduced by the shield is unsuspension of the procedural and court deadlines.

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - May 2020

  • The effects of COVID-19 on international arbitration in Latin America

    International arbitrations are not associated with any particular jurisdiction, and in Latin America and elsewhere, most arbitral institutions keep handling arbitral proceedings and enabling them to continue, despite COVID-19, by using available…

  • The Polish Act on counteracting COVID-19 entered into force

    On 31 March, 2020 an amendment to the Act on specific solutions related to the preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them, together with other acts (the “Act”) entered…

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - March 2020

  • Will COVID-19 revolutionise arbitration?

    The health crisis caused by COVID-19 could turn into a chance to revolutionize arbitration and boost and strengthen its virtues as opposed to domestic court litigation. The flexibility inherent to this alternative dispute resolution system and its…

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - February 2020

  • Brexit is here: how companies will be affected

    On January 31 the UK's withdrawal from the European Union took effect and a transition period began until December 31 this year, in which EU law will continue to be applicable in relationships with the United Kingdom, while waiting for a future…

  • International Arbitration Newsletter - November 2019

  • Investor-State arbitration and sustainable development: environmental-related claims on the rise

    Disputes related to environmental matters are frequent in the context of investor-state arbitration and are likely to increase in years to come. Claims vary from alleged breaches by host states because of environmental permit denials to…