Administrative Law



  • The European Parliament approves the Directive on Greenwashing

    The new European regulation, which aims to prevent unfair commercial practices, will have to continue its process before the Council of the EU for its final approval and its subsequent publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
  • Spain: The update of the National Air Pollution Control Programme 2023-2030 is approved

    The document, which affects various economic sectors, sets a series of emission reduction targets for 2030.
  • Spain: The processing of the Draft Law on the Prevention of Food Loss and Waste is resumed

    The law, which proposes new requirements for all actors in the food chain, aims to encourage the efficient use of food and promote good practices.
  • RED III directive approved to move forward with the implementation of renewable energy

    The objective is to accelerate energy efficiency, increase the use of renewable energy and reduce emissions in the European Union.
  • The European Union bans the use of microplastics

    To protect the environment and human health from their toxic effects, the EU has restricted the use of synthetic polymer microparticles intentionally added to products.
  • Spain: The artificial intelligence regulatory "sandbox" has arrived

    Spain plans to set up a controlled testing facility to ensure that this technology develops in line with European legislation.
  • The Government of Mexico calls to bid for the procurement of drilling services for geothermal wells in Baja California, Michoacán and Jalisco

    The deadline to submit offers for the five wells located on the two parcels is October 16.
  • By 31 December 2023, producers must notify how they will meet their container obligations

    They will have to choose between an individual scheme or join a collective extended liability scheme.
  • Spain: The public consultation period has begun for the draft bill regulating the corporate reporting framework on environmental, social and governance issues

    The Council of Ministers agreed, on 3 May 2023, to initiate this procedure, which will be available until 25 May, to ensure that those interested in the text of the preliminary draft can make their contributions.
  • Mexico: Legal reform to government procurement policies, oversight of public expenditure, and public tenders for the sale of national goods

    On April 28 th 2023, the Mexican Senate approved a legislative reform granting the Ministry of Public Function (SFP) powers and authority to concentrate the planning, conduction and surveilling of the procurement of goods, services and public works of all of the federal government entities and agencies, except for Pemex, CFE, the Army and the Navy. Likewise, it was approved an amendment to the National Assets General Law in order to add new rules applicable to public tenders for the sale of federal real estate.