


The Lawyer rewards Garrigues for its innovative technology

The firm was nominated for the Business Leadership Awards under five categories

Garrigues has received the ‘Best firm-wide use of technology’, awarded by the British publication The Lawyer at the annual Business Leadership Awards ceremony. It was also shortlisted under a further four categories: Best environmental initiative; Innovation Knowledge Management; plus the following "Grand Prix" categories: Best service quality innovation and Most innovative non UK-headquartered firm. Garrigues is the only Spanish firm, and one of just a handful of international firms, to have received five nominations.

These awards are designed to recognize excellence and innovation in the international legal market from a different angle, by valuing leadership and the management of professionals and firms in aspects related to the running and development of organizations. The awards pertain to five main sections: clients and markets; operations and delivery; people and talent; performance and results; and technology and knowledge. There is also a sixth section, known as the "Grand Prix" section, under which an overall evaluation is made of all these aspects.
"Our strength as an international firm derives to a great extent from our capacity to innovate. It is not simply a question of having the best knowledge of the law. We also have to be capable of selecting new technology models, gearing them towards our clients and the improvement of our services, and sharing the knowledge which we generate", explains Fernando Vives. 
In the award category (Best firm-wide use of technology category), The Lawyer valued positively the strategy implemented by the firm based on big data intelligence, used to develop applications which enhance our lawyers' productivity and improve security when working on documentation files. The aim is for these technological advances to help increase efficiency and improve our response times in relation to the issues raised by our clients.
In addition to the award, Garrigues was shortlisted in four categories. Under the Best environmental initiative category (in the operations and delivery section), the firm was shortlisted for "GoGreen Garrigues", a projected intended to reinforce the commitment of the firm's professional to environmental concerns. An internal digital publication and a specific portal in the firm's Intranet have been created for this purpose, to inform, educate and raise awareness of good practices in relation to the responsible consumption of resources and energy.
Under the Innovation Knowledge Management category (technology and knowledge section), the firm was nominated for its use of "Collaborate", one of the most efficient tools in the market for the creation of collaboration spaces.  Garrigues uses this tool in both its external relations, to improve contact with its clients, and internally, to improve coordination between departments and offices, as well as in the training of its professionals. 
Under the "Grand Prix" section, we received a further two nominations. In the service quality category, The Lawyer has recognized the value of the methodology created by Garrigues in response to the obligation of listed companies to fill out the standardized CNMV form setting out the principles and fundaments of their directors' compensation policy.
Garrigues was also named as one of the most innovative international law firms (headquartered outside the UK). The Lawyer has taken in account the technical expertise of Garrigues'  lawyers, the continued improvement in the service provided to its clients, its efforts in relation to the development of talent—which have placed it at the top of the rankings of best companies to work for—as well as the progress the firm has made in other areas such as corporate social responsibility.   

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