


Garrigues, host to the All China Lawyers Association

A team of lawyers from the firm explains the Spanish legal system and institutions to Asian delegates

Garrigues has been host to delegates from the All China Lawyers Association during their visit to Spain. The firm has a close relationship with this association, based on various agreements, and the aim of their visit is three-fold: to get to know Spain better, to further enhance mutual understanding and to build bridges for collaboration.

Since Thursday Garrigues has been host to delegates from the All China Lawyers Association during their visit to Spain, with stops in Madrid and Barcelona.

The firm has a close relationship with this association, based on various agreements, and the aim of their visit is three-fold: to get to know Spain better, to further enhance mutual understanding and to build bridges for collaboration in view of the growing number of business and trade exchanges between Spain and China.

Garrigues has organized a very complete work schedule for the Chinese delegates with talks on the workings of Spanish legal system and visits to top institutions.

Thus a team of lawyers has explained to their Chinese colleagues how laws are passed, followed by a visit to the lower house of the Spanish parliament and given talks on how laws are applied (followed by a visit to the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court) and the basics of practicing law in Spain (with a visit to the General Council of the Spanish Legal Profession and the General Council of Spanish Notaries).

The visit was enhanced by the cooperation given by the various institutions at all times and the interest shown by the delegates of the All China lawyers Association in our legal system. The next stage in the official visit will take place on Monday in Barcelona, from where they will return to China.
Garrigues is a sponsor of the Year of Spain in China and is taking an active part in many of its activities. In fact, we have a permanent relationship with the special Spanish Ambassador for this event and our presence in China enables us to provide ongoing support to many of the activities taking place in this Asian country.
Furthermore, Antonio Garrigues is Chairman of the legal committee of the Spanish-Chinese Forum and Garrigues has collaboration agreements with the China Law Society.