


  • The European Council gives the green light to the directive on companies’ obligations in relation to the human rights and environmental impacts of their activities

    At a Competitiveness Council meeting held on May 24, the European Council gave final approval to the corporate sustainability due diligence directive which lays down responsibilities for companies and requires them to adopt and implement a climate change transition plan.
  • Finally approved the accumulation of lactation leave, the application priority of regional collective bargaining agreements and unemployment assistance protection

    After the previous royal decree-law that introduced these novelties was not validated, which was derogated, Royal Decree-Law 2/2024 has been published, which approves them again with certain changes, such as the possibility of extending the application priority to provincial collective bargaining agreements.
  • Tax Newsletter – April 2024

    We analyze the main news, judgments, resolutions and regulations in the latest issue of the Tax Newsletter.
  • Criminal proceedings and the right to be forgotten: until when can the personal data of convicted persons be published?

    A person involved in criminal proceedings may acquire what has come to be known as "supervening notoriety" and have to accept that his or her identity will be disseminated. However, after a number of years, the question arises as to the possible removal of this negative information
  • This is the Artificial Intelligence Strategy in the Strategic Plan of the Spanish Tax Agency

    El Plan Estratégico de la Agencia Tributaria española establece los principios que deberán guiar el uso de la inteligencia artificial para la prevención y lucha contra el fraude fiscal. Se echan de menos, no obstante, referencias expresas a derechos de los contribuyentes y principios (como los de transparencia y proporcionalidad, o el de no discriminación) ampliamente reconocidos y cuya protección resulta esencial en este ámbito.
  • The European Union gives a new boost to the directive promoting the repair of products to foster the circular economy

    This new regulation, which is part of the Circular Economy Action Plan, seeks to foster more sustainable consumer habits and business models.
  • European Parliament gives green light to Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

    The directive regulates companies’ obligations relating to actual and potential adverse human rights and environmental impacts, liability for breaching such obligations and the requirement that companies adopt and put into effect a transition plan to mitigate climate change.
  • Severance payments in the European context

    Despite unfounded rumors, the Council of Europe has not yet ruled on the complaint filed by UGT against the compensation system in Spain. These rumors are creating enormous confusion and are based on highly questionable arguments.
  • Regulation prohibiting products made with forced labor from entering the EU market approved

    The European Commission will set up a database of specific geographic areas or products where there is a risk of forced labor.
  • Labor and Employment Newsletter - April 2024

    En la Newsletter Laboral de Garrigues recopilamos las novedades legales más relevantes en el ámbito del derecho del trabajo en España.