


  • Garrigues wins the award for best law firm in the Andes in banking law

    Garrigues has been named Team of the Year for the Andean States in banking and finance law by the International Financial Law Review (IFLR), which each year selects the best deals carried out in Latin America. The editorial board of this prestigious publication focused on the cross-border component, innovation, and the valuation of the companies involved in each of the deals it analyzed.
  • Investment arbitration on the rise in Latin America

    We look at new trends in investment arbitration in Colombia, Chile, Peru and Mexico, and provide a few figures on recorded cases and industries with the largest number of disputes.
  • Peru: The deadline is approaching for Peruvian consortia, funds and trusts to submit the declaration of ultimate beneficial owner

    Any Peruvian or foreign company or investor who directly or indirectly participates in the results or exercises effective control of the legal arrangement shall take into account the declaration to be made within the first 20 days of July 2024.
  • Garrigues receives three awards for project and infrastructure financing deals at the 'IJGlobal' Awards

    Garrigues has won three awards at the IJ Global Awards, which every year single out the best advisors from the region in project and infrastructure financing. The awards were handed out in a ceremony held last night in New York, which brought together the main companies and firms operating in Latin America.
  • Mexico reinstates conditions for Clean Energy Certificates (CELs)

    This encourages investment in power generation plants through clean energy and achieves higher profitability in the commercialization of CELs.
  • México: New requirements to renew the registration in the Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Works

    Individuals or legal entities registered in the Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Works must renew their registration each three years.
  • Electric car charging stations: key to the electromobility success in Mexico

    El auge de los vehículos eléctricos hará necesario contar con, al menos, 38.000 electrolineras en México en los próximos 20 años, según los expertos. En este contexto, analizamos el actual marco legal para instalar y operar electrolineras en el país.
  • Mexico's Supreme Court determines the unconstitutionality of the reform to the Electricity Industry Law enacted in 2021

    This resolution represents an important step that fosters legal certainty to all participants and investors in the energy sector in Mexico.
  • Newsletter on the energy market in Chile, Colombia and Peru - January 2024

    We provide the main legal and market developments for the energy sector in Chile, Colombia and Peru. Dedicated Energy teams in these countries address topics of interest to sponsors, developers, financiers and other stakeholders in the sector, such as draft legislation, summaries of new regulations, relevant case law and market trends.
  • Garrigues receives the award as the best law firm in Chile from ‘LatinFinance’

    Garrigues was presented with the award by LatinFinance as the 'Law Firm of the Year in Chile' last night in New York. This recognition, one of the most prestigious in the Latin American legal field, takes into account key factors such as innovation and excellence demonstrated by the lawyers, as well as ESG impact and the success of the transactions advised.