Labor and Employment Law



  • Finally approved the accumulation of lactation leave, the application priority of regional collective bargaining agreements and unemployment assistance protection

    After the previous royal decree-law that introduced these novelties was not validated, which was derogated, Royal Decree-Law 2/2024 has been published, which approves them again with certain changes, such as the possibility of extending the application priority to provincial collective bargaining agreements.
  • Reduction of the maximum working hours: 4-day week or fewer hours in annual calculation?

    The question of whether to reduce working hours is being analyzed in different countries. There has been much comment in recent years about the possible reduction of the working week to 4 days. However, this change is not exempt from debate due to the impact it will have on the business organization. For a legislative change in this respect, the formula for implementing this reduction is still to be decided: eliminating one working day a week or reducing the maximum working hours on an annual basis.
  • Severance payments in the European context

    Despite unfounded rumors, the Council of Europe has not yet ruled on the complaint filed by UGT against the compensation system in Spain. These rumors are creating enormous confusion and are based on highly questionable arguments.
  • Regulation prohibiting products made with forced labor from entering the EU market approved

    The European Commission will set up a database of specific geographic areas or products where there is a risk of forced labor.
  • Labor and Employment Newsletter - April 2024

    En la Newsletter Laboral de Garrigues recopilamos las novedades legales más relevantes en el ámbito del derecho del trabajo en España.
  • Occupational risk prevention, in adaptation phase to a new working environment

    Close to the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, we review some of the challenges posed by occupational risk prevention and its regulation, such as, for example, achieving its true integration into company management, the framework of corporate responsibilities, considering different types of companies or the preventive legal status of self-employed workers.
  • 10 ways to attract and retain young talent in the company, with legal approach

    Attracting and retaining young talent is one of the main objectives for companies. Incorporating the best profiles that have just joined the labor market into the workforce allows organizations to be more competitive, innovative, and diverse. The implementation of policies aimed at achieving these objectives requires knowledge of the possibilities offered by employment law.
  • Spain: From 20th March, companies will be required to designate a lawyer within two days

    20th March 2024 will come into effect Royal Decree-Law 6/2023 of 19 December (RDL 6/2023), which amends the Law Regulating Social Jurisdiction (LRJS) and the Civil Procedure Law (LEC) to allow companies to adopt measures for better control of notifications and compliance with procedural obligations.
  • México: New requirements to renew the registration in the Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Works

    Individuals or legal entities registered in the Registry of Providers of Specialized Services or Works must renew their registration each three years.
  • Spain: The labor measures of Law 4/2023 and their enforceability

    There is considerable uncertainty about the obligation to have protocols under Law 4/2023. It is not possible to conclude from the law whether this obligation will be effective as of 2 March 2024 or whether it is pending regulatory development.